Does one shoe fit all? The ‘prescription- professional’ conundrum in Bahrain Ian R. Haslam Bahrain Teachers College University of Bahrain
The back story…. Reform policy Prof. Barber on (UK’s ‘informed prescription’) Prof. Fullan on (Ontario’s ‘professional’ reforms) Prof Hargreaves on (Finland’s reforms) Dr. Schleicher and OECD on (Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai) Dr. Mourshed on under performing systems The question Can a national reform policy of ‘informed prescription’ ensure improved student achievement AND Improve professional culture in schools?
Bahrain’s policy of ‘informed prescription’ includes the following agencies 3 new agencies 1.Bahrain Quality Assurance Authority for Education and Training (QAAET) 2.Bahrain Polytechnic 3.Bahrain Teachers College (BTC) 6 strategic themes Ministry of Education (MOE) Improvement Time for Learning National Curriculum Reform Teacher Recruitment Teacher Development Leadership Development The missing ingredient is the concept of segmentation (Hopkins, 2006 p11)
Local capacity projections x QAAET (2011) 2300 teachers (41) (93) (60) (7) 400 teachers 3432 teachers 5320 teachers QAAET (2012) Accessed at:
QualificationsPublic School Teachers BahrainExpat PhD / MSc/ M.Ed B.Ed Diploma, Higher Diploma, Sec. or Elementary BSc or BA Bahrain Teacher Qualifications Bahrain MoE (2012): Accessed at:
MOE Career Cadre for teachers and school leaders Specialist in Training (5) Senior Professional Specialist (7) Education Specialist (8) Senior Education Specialist (9) Professional Specialist (6) Principal (7) Senior Principal(8) Chief of Schools (9) Certified Teacher (4) Certified Teacher (5) Professional Teacher (6) Senior Teacher (7) (Consultant Teacher (8) Assistant Principal (6) Senior Assistant Principal (7) GRADE 8 = 17 GRADE 7 = 266 GRADE 6 = 2120 GRADE 5 = 2154 GRADE 4 = 3645 GRADE 3 = 3607 Certified Teacher (3)
QAAET School Ratings 7 Outstanding Schools 60 Good schools 93 Satisfactory schools 41 Inadequate schools Mentoring & Mainstream PD Program School based reforms & collaborative PD Mentoring Mainstream PD Program School based reforms & Collaborative PD Intensive In-classroom Coaching and Oversight by system PD leaders and outside experts Collaborative PD Off-classroom - Re-skilling Programs by BTC, system PD leaders and outside experts Teachers Segmentation by school and staff PrescriptionSchool basedSocial Capital MOE (CPD) Cadre Level 3 (3607) Level 4 (3645) Level 5 (2154) Level 6 (2120) Level 7 (266) Level 8 (17)
Summary 1.Do ‘outstanding’ schools have the capacity for school based reforms? 2.Do ‘outstanding’ and ‘good’ teachers have the capacity to lead system wide reforms? 3.Segmentation of local schools and teachers should help ensure relevant PD for school improvement and could improve the professional culture.