NQT Induction Tutor Training


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Presentation transcript:

NQT Induction Tutor Training Wednesday 26th June 2012 Ged Geoghegan Sanjay Patel

Aim of this Session To enable Induction Tutors to understand their role and responsibilities under the statutory induction regulations. To prepare Induction Tutors for their role in monitoring, supporting and assessing NQTs

Induction is…… the process by which your NQT’s academic qualification becomes a professional one

What does your NQT have to do to satisfactorily complete the induction period? The DfE regulations require that an NQT should, by the end of their induction period, meet fully the new standards To meet these requirements, NQTs need to: work with increasing professional competence in areas where, during initial training, it was assumed they would need the support of an experienced teacher; focus on aspects of professional practice that can be better developed during employment as a qualified teacher, and over a longer period of teaching than is available to most trainee teachers during their initial teacher training; consolidate and build on what they have already achieved in order to be awarded QTS.

Some Basic Information The NQT should be registered for their induction. Registration form is on the intranet at http://www.traffordlearning.org/trafford/Sections/public_html/atoz/Teacher%20training%20and%20recruitment/infoprimarynqt.htm The headteacher should confirm that the NQT has successfully completed QTS and passed the relevant skills tests

The induction period lasts the equivalent of 3 full terms All NQTs should have a reduction of 10% in their teaching timetable (This is in addition to PPA time) to enable them to undertake activities as part of their induction programme Each NQT should have an individual induction tutor appointed by the headteacher

The post must involve your NQT regularly teaching the same class(es) and they should be protected from ‘unreasonable demands’ e.g. taking on curriculum co-ordinator/leader roles, teaching classes with exceptionally demanding behaviour problems or subjects/year groups for which they have not been trained. All NQTs have an entitlement to an individualised programme of support, monitoring and assessment from an induction tutor with objectives set to support them in meeting the core standards.

NQTs who fail the induction period can never teach in a maintained school or a non-maintained special school again. They cannot re-take induction and extensions are only allowed in special cases. They do not, however lose their QTS.

Roles and Responsibilities: Headteachers Ensure appropriate Induction Programme is provided Recommend to LA (Appropriate Body) when satisfactorily completed Keep governors informed about arrangements and results Overview CEDP to check that it sets short, medium and long term goals for NQT Inform LA if arrangements vary Job description must not make “unreasonable demands”

Roles and Responsibilities: Local Authority Maintain all records of NQTs Identify Induction Coordinators: Ged Geoghegan for primary, Sanjay Patel for secondary Identify LA “named contact”: Mark Creighton 9121254 (impartial to induction arrangements) Advisers’ role: observation, support for all involved, high level of support for problems that may arise

Roles and Responsibilities: Induction Tutors Should be line manager/SMT/experienced teacher with considerable contact with NQT Should be fully aware of requirements and have necessary skills and expertise Headteacher can be Induction Tutor Must carry out formative and summative assessments of performance Must carry out “rigorous and equitable” assessment MUST keep records of observations and discussions – these can be challenged

The Role of the Induction Tutor Support, monitoring and Assessment Although the Headteacher will have overall responsibility for the induction of the NQT, it is likely that this will be a strategic role Tutor’s role is day to day operational This does not mean you have to do EVERYTHING, but it does mean you have to lead and manage the process

Roles and Responsibilities: NQTs Should make CEDP available at start of programme Should participate fully in programme devised for them (school and LA) Should monitor their own work in relation to Induction Standards, supported by the CEDP Should take increasing responsibility for own professional development as Induction progresses

So what’s your role in induction? To provide your NQT with a programme including day-to-day monitoring and support

What you need to do as part of monitoring and support? Within the first 4 weeks of your NQT taking up post Meet with your NQT and discuss their career entry and development profile. The CEDP is now electronic. Draw up a simple plan of action with them which will help them to successfully meet the core standards and in particular address identified areas for development related to the core standards Map out how they might use the 10% release time to support them in meeting the standards and in particular the identified objectives Carry out an observation of your NQT’s teaching and provide both verbal and written feedback

Plan out Regular (fortnightly) meetings with your NQT Dates when the NQT will be observed The professional review meeting The first assessment meeting

The Professional Review Meeting Every 6 to 8 weeks one of your weekly meetings is a review of progress – This is the professional review meeting Review your NQT’s action plan agreeing new objectives if appropriate and planning support to help the NQT meet the objectives Review how the NQT is using the 10% release time agree some more dates if need be Provide your NQT with clear and unambiguous messages about their progress towards meeting the standards This process should also be included as part of statutory assessment meetings THE ABOVE SHOULD RELATE TO THE NEW STANDARDS

Towards the end of each term Meet with your NQT (and your headteacher/SMT member) for a formal assessment meeting. This involves you completing an assessment form which records your NQT’s strengths, areas for development, targets for the coming term. The form also records a judgment on whether or not your NQT is on track to meet the standards.

What evidence should you use to support your assessment judgements? Lesson observations Informal monitoring and observation Views from other colleagues NQT’s planning Pupil outcomes Homework NQT’s portfolio CPD record Professional conduct

Transition Points 1, 2 and 3 Transition Point 1 happens at end of initial training – this should be completed in CEDP Transition Point 2 should be written during first few weeks in school Transition Point 3 is at end of year, leading into Appraisal

What can an NQT expect? 90% timetable Induction Tutor Individualised induction programme Action plan Observation of teaching with follow up review meetings (twice-termly) A programme of professional development opportunities Termly assessment meetings and reports Additional support in cases of difficulty A named contact at the LA – Mark Creighton A recommendation to the TA What can you expect? 90% timetable: The “School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions” document requires headteachers to make sure that teachers taking part in induction have only a 90% timetable. i.e. teaching no more than 90% of the time that a teacher at the school (not in receipt of a management allowance) would be expected to teach. The school should protect this release time and allocate it at appropriate intervals. This is in addition to any non-contact time and should be used for activities that contribute to your induction programme. An induction tutor: You should have an induction tutor who will have day-to-day responsibility for making sure that an appropriate induction programme is provided. An individualised induction programme: The most important underlying principle. The programme will reflect: the strengths and development priorities identified at transition point one as part of the CEDP process; The induction standards (more about these later); The demands of the post. You should make your CEDP available to your headteacher and induction tutor and through discussion with your tutor identify what support is needed to help you meet your objectives.

What NQTs want…! approachable professional good listening skills empathy knowledge (subject and other) supportive positive flexible open to ideas role model gives freely of time professional straight talker diplomat trustworthy organised and efficient foresight give advice reassure facilitator

A positive experience when….. Bottle of wine on arrival ! Introduced to all staff (and pupils) Letter of introduction to and from new class/access to site in holiday Essential checklist from school – basic and most important Buddy as well as mentor – second/third year teacher? Supportive colleagues – on the job advice Dedicated time with mentor and a structured programme Some successes under belt – build self-esteem ‘Junior’ status immaterial Not left to get on with it – positive attention Opportunities to take responsibility, with support

Possible issues Behaviour management (of individuals more than classes) Filling popular teacher’s shoes – establishing rapport with new class Time management and work-life balance ‘Managing Me!’ Over-preparation Relationships with TAs/LSAs Protocols e.g. observing colleagues First parents’ evening Mentor not in same year/phase Mentoring on the hoof/rushed Not wanting to say no Isolation – no links with other NQTs Over/under-observed Lack of feedback on how doing so everything must be OK? Reports – no guidance or house style

Skills Needed by Induction Tutors (1) Highly skilled professional who care about future of teaching profession Pastoral support vital Effective liaison with other staff Ability to assess performance “rigorously and equitably” Ability to increase professional competence Ability to identify needs and arrange input to compensate

Skills Needed by Induction Tutors (2) Organisation – alongside own workload! Time management – demonstrating most effective way of achieving goals Leadership Observational skills Clear communication Constructive / evaluative criticism Self-evaluation: as an exemplar of being a reflective practitioner

Teachers’ Standards The new standards will apply to the vast majority of teachers regardless of their career stage. The Teachers’ Standards will apply to: trainees working towards QTS; all teachers completing their statutory induction period; and those covered by the new performance appraisal arrangements The new standards replace the existing Core professional standards, and will be used to assess an NQT’s performance at the end of their induction period in employment. The standards themselves do not specify any new or different elements to the expectations placed on NQTs as opposed to those required for the award of QTS.

Teachers’ Standards The decision about whether an NQT has met the standards to a satisfactory level at the end of their first year of full employment will therefore need to be made on the basis of what should reasonably be expected of an NQT working in the relevant setting and circumstances, within the framework set out by the standards. That judgement should reflect the expectation that NQTs have effectively consolidated their training, and are demonstrating their ability to meet the standards consistently over a sustained period in their practice.

Teachers’ Standards In order to meet the standards, a trainee or teacher will need to demonstrate that their practice is consistent with the definition set out in the Preamble, and that they have met the standards in both Part 1 and Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards document.

Preamble Teachers make the education of their pupils their first concern, and are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct. Teachers act with honesty and integrity; have strong subject knowledge, keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up-to-date and are self-critical; forge positive professional relationships; and work with parents in the best interests of their pupils.

Part One: Teaching A teacher must: 1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils  2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils 3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge 4 Plan and teach well structured lessons 5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

Part One: Teaching A teacher must: 6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment 7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment 8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

PART TWO: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career.

Three Assessment Forms Available on intranet VITAL that they are returned on time! Term 1 and Term 2 identical. Comments over the three terms should reflect each of the standards. Comment on areas of strength and areas for development. Term 3 Pass or Fail Electronic version available

Reference Documents Guidance 582/2001 carries all official requirements. Available on the DfE website http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/leadership/deployingstaff/newstaff/b0066959/induction-newly-qualified-teachers

Exceptions to Standard Induction NQTs that start in January or after Easter Employed through supply agencies Part timers Maternity leave Temporary/permanent contracts Schools in Special Measures Special schools Covering PPA

When Things Go Wrong NQT complaints procedure Failure to pass Induction year Appeals to panel The need for evidence of judgements

Thank you for your invaluable help and supporting in ensuring we maintain an excellent teaching force in Trafford. Good luck!