“There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge of the student: observation, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them to assist the teacher in facilitation; and experimentation verifies the result of that combination.”There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge of the student: observation, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them to assist the teacher in facilitation; and experimentation verifies the result of that combination. ~ M. Montessori
As stated on the Progress Report: The Montessori Progress Report is not intended to compare the individual to a group, but rather to supply information about what is expected of the student as well as the choices, attitudes, and learning skills that will help the student be successful in our school community.
1. More closely reflect the Montessori curriculum 2. Separate certain skills that would make it clearer to parents exactly what their child has worked on and/or mastered 3. In consideration of upper elementary students, to add a section for grades that local districts would recognize
OLD VERSIONNEW VERSION 1. Number system grading: corresponded to the state grading system of 1, 2, 3, 4 2. Learning Qualities / Effort marks 3. Eliminated Learner Growth area of A for advanced, S for Satisfactory and I for needs improvement > Changed to Content system grading : I –Introduced; D- Developing; M- Mastery; N— Needs Improvement > Changed to Listening and Work Habits with same evaluation notations: O- Outstanding; S-Satisfactory; N-Needs Improvement >Added, to the UE report cards, additional section: Traditional Grade Equivalent, which will be A, B, C, D, and U.
Core SubjectsCultural Subjects In the Core Subjects (math, geometry, language, reading, writing), each skill that your child may learn in his/her current grade, is listed separately. Realize, however, that just as with the old report cards, your child may or may not work on every skill. The Montessori curriculum is very fluid and individualized, so some of the higher level skills are included in each level to accurately assess those students who will reach them. In the Cultural Subjects, there will be a brief description of what the course will cover, followed by the areas on which your child will be evaluated using the following scale: O=Outstanding S= Satisfactory N=Needs Improvement The areas to be evaluated are: Understands the ideas studied Completes activities in a timely manner Takes part in discussions Is developing thinking skills related to Botany (or other cultural subject)