Medical Science Academy Academy of Law and Business Any 11 th grade student currently enrolled in either the MSA or ALAB programs are automatically approved for Senior Driving here at the high school. Please complete the required paperwork “Senior Parking Programs ” which are located on the Egg Harbor Township High School Homepage when you are ready to drive and park at the high school
A minimum of 100 academic credits earned with no more than 4 graduation requirements remaining (i.e. English IV, Physical Education, Fine or Practical Art). Satisfactory attendance and discipline record as determined by the Assistant Principal. Enroll in 4 classes (dismissed at 10:35am) Schedule is for entire year. Students removed from program will need to find alternative transportation to and from school.
Satisfactory attendance and discipline record as determined by the Assistant Principal. Academically eligible as per the student handbook guidelines This is a MENTORING PROGRAM not a driving program
Help students adjust to the HS Motivation, Honesty, and Perseverance Bullying prevention/response Positive choices, healthy lifestyles Good work & study habits
Attend 3 days of training August 10, 11, & 12, 2015 Attend Freshman Orientation August 24, 2015 from 8:00 – 2:00 pm Attend Freshman Orientation August 25, 2015 (evening parent meeting Remain academically eligible, have limited discipline or attendance issues throughout the school year Have a study hall in your schedule Attend monthly afterschool meetings
Character Behavior Attendance Empathic, good listener Works well in groups Personality 250 word essay Teacher recommendations Selection is done by a committee of 7 to 9 staff members
Driving/Parking Rules & Procedures Parent Driving Permission
Yes, your parent or guardian must sign your application!!!
Senior Ambassador Completed Application Due: April 2, 2015 Decisions by: May 4, 2015 Senior Option Completed Application Due: April Decision by: June 1, 2015
The first payment of $50.00 will be due on or before August 15, 2015 in the form of a check. The balance of $50.00 will be due on or before January 15, 2016 in the form of a check. Make checks out to: “EHTHS” and write “Senior Parking” in the memo
Fees for all programs will be prorated monthly for those not ready to drive in September. EXAMPLE Start in the month of November = $80.00 Start in the month of February = $50.00 $10.00 per month
As per your signed contract, you may lose your driving/parking privilege for up to 45 days
Unless they reside at the same residence as the driver (IC)
1. Complete form 2. Meet deadlines 3. Make sure driving documents are valid 4. Submit payment