Learning Taxonomies Bloom’s Taxonomy (As revised by Anderson et al 2001) Biggs’ Proposed Levels of Attainment Biggs’ & Collis’ SOLO Taxonomy Synthesis /creation Design, organize, formulate, propose. A: The very best understanding. Extended Abstract Thinking Theories Generalize Reflect evaluate Evaluation Judge, appraise, evaluate, compare, assess. B: Highly Satisfactory. Relational Thinking Explain Analyze Compare Apply Analysis Distinguish, analyze, calculate, test, inspect C: Quite Satisfactory. Multi-structural Thinking Classify Comment upon Application Apply, use, demonstrate, illustrate, practice. D : Just a pass Uni-structural State Describe Comprehension Explain, describe, discuss, recognize. E: Fail Pre-structural Knowledge Define, list, name, recall, record.
TRANSPARENT REQUIREMENTS Competence Learning outcomes Specify the essential learning, focused on results. Define the minimum acceptable standards of what students are expected to do after completing a course or programme. Spell out what the student are expected to do in observable and measurable terms Are being described by using active verbs. Performance = behavior the students shows and thus can be assessed. Example; outcomes of course Students are able to: Student know the basic concepts 1.Define what learning outcomes are of learning outcomes 2.To interpret the concepts in the light of educational theory 3.Design the learning outcomes of a course unit.
The Knowledge Dimension Cognitive Process Dimension Developed by Lisa O’Reilly, MA. Based on Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl (Eds.). (2001). A Taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman. The Knowledge Dimension Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Worksheet Cognitive Process Dimension 1 Remember Recognizing or recalling knowledge, facts or concepts. Verbs: define, describe, identify, know, label, list, match, name, outline, recall, recognize, reproduce, select, state, locate 2 Understand Constructing meaning from instructional messages. Verbs: illustrate, defend, compare, distinguish, estimate, explain, classify, generalize, interpret, paraphrase, predict, rewrite, summarize, translate 3 Apply Using ideas and concepts to solve problems. Verbs: implement, organize, dramatize, solve, construct, demonstrate, discover, manipulate, modify, operate, predict, prepare, produce, relate, show, solve, choose 4 Analyze Breaking something down into components, seeing relationships and an overall structure. Verbs: analyze, break down, compare, select, contrast, decon struct, discriminate, distinguishes, identify, outline 5 Evaluate Making judgments based on criteria and standards. Verbs: rank, assess, monitor, check, test, judge 6 Create Reorganize diverse elements to form a new pattern or structure. Verbs: generate, plan, compose, develop, create, invent, organize, construct, produce, compile, design, devise Factual Knowledge Basic elements used to communicate, understand, organize a subject: terminology, scientific terms, labels, vocabulary, jargon, symbols or representations; and specific details such as knowledge of events, people, dates, sources of information. Conceptual Knowledge Knowledge of classifications and categories, principles, theories, models or structures of a subject. Procedural Knowledge Knowing how to do something: performing skills, algorithms, techniques or methods. Metacognitive Knowledge The process or strategy of learning and thinking; an awareness of one’s own cognition, and the ability to control, monitor, and regulate one’s own cognitive process.
EXAMPLE: COMMON BODY OF COMPETENCE Students develop skill in a critical thinking, clear and thoughtful communication, creative expression and honest open inquiry Students develop mastery of a specific major and an understanding of the connection among disciplines. Students develop respect for differences among people and ideas and learn to clarify and articulate their own values. Students demonstrate that they are responsible, engaged citizens. PEER CONSULTATION: Defining learning outcomes Please define the learning outcomes students have to master in order to acquire the competence of critical thinking or scientific writing or strategic thinking . 2. What could the student be expected to do to achieve the defined learning outcomes?
Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs Use verbs aligned to Bloom's Taxonomy to create discussion questions and lesson Plans that ensure your students' thinking progresses to higher levels. Knowledge Comprehend Count Define Describe Draw Enumerate Find Identify Label List Match Name Quote Recall Recite Record Reproduce Select Sequence State Tell View Write Classify Cite Conclude Convert Discuss Estimate Explain Generalize Give examples Illustrate Interpret Locate Make senseParaphrase Predict Report Restate Review Summarize Trace Understand Apply Analyze Act Administer Articulate Assess Change Chart Choose Collect Compute Construct Contribute Control Demonstrate Determine Develop Discover Dramatize Establish Extend Imitate Implement Interview Include Inform Instruct Paint Participate Prepare Produce Provide Relate Show Solve Transfer Use Utilize Break down Characterize Compare Contrast Correlate Debate Deduce Diagram Differentiate Discriminate Distinguish Examine Make sense of Paraphrase Focus Infer Limit Outline Point out Prioritize Recognize Research Separate Subdivide Synthesize Evaluate Adapt Anticipate Categorize Collaborate Combine Communicate Compile Compose Create Design Devise Express Facilitate Formulate Generate Incorporate Individualize Initiate Integrate Intervene Invent Make up Model Modify Negotiate Organize Perform Plan Pretend Progress Propose Rearrange ReconstructReinforce Reorganize Revise Rewrite Structure Substitute Validate Appraise Argue Compare & Contrast Criticize Critique Decide Defend Judge Justify Prove Rank Rate Reframe Support