Teacher: Decide what to teach Decide what to assign Decide how to assess Decide how to grade In the end, convey how the kids did compared to each other.
Principal: Keep order Hire teachers Evaluate teacher behavior Supervise athletics Balance the budget In the end, hand out diplomas to kids who made it.
Teacher: Decide what to teach Decide what to assign Decide how to assess Decide how to grade In the end, convey how the kids did compared to each other. Principal: Keep order Hire teachers Evaluate teacher behavior Supervise athletics Balance the budget In the end, hand out diplomas to kids who made it.
Teacher: Decide what to teach Decide what to assign Decide how to assess Decide how to grade In the end, convey how the kids did compared to each other. Principal: Keep order Hire teachers Evaluate teacher behavior Supervise athletics Balance the budget In the end, hand out diplomas to kids who made it.
Teachers: “fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment.” “collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practice and student learning.” Principals: “creating a school culture that promotes the ongoing improvement of learning and teaching for students and staff.” “providing for school safety.”
Teachers: “using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning.” Principals: “development, implementation, and evaluation of a data-driven plan for increasing student achievement, including the use of multiple student data elements.”
Teachers: “providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum.” Principals: “assisting instructional staff with alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment with state and local district learning goals.”
Teachers: Implementing the instructional framework Principals: “monitoring, assisting, and evaluating effective instruction and assessment practices.”
Teachers: “communicating and collaborating with parents and school community.” Principals: “partnering with the school community to promote learning.”
Wary/Welcome Activity Why might teachers and principals be wary of a 4-tier evaluation system? Why might they welcome it?
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Satisfactory, That is not enough as to say one is average, or adequate or moderate. I want to be loved for who I am.
Teacher Evaluation Criteria
Principal Evaluation Criteria
E2SSB 6696 When available, student growth data that is referenced in the evaluation process must be based on multiple measures that can include classroom-based, school-based, district-based, and state- based tools. As used in this subsection, “student growth” means the change in student achievement between two points in time. SIG (MERIT) Implement rigorous, transparent and equitable evaluation systems for teachers and principals which are developed with staff and use student growth as significant factor. Identify and reward school leaders and teachers who have increased student achievement and graduation rates; identify and remove those who, after ample opportunities to improve professional practice, have not done so. Implement such strategies as financial incentives and career ladders for recruiting, placing and retaining effective teachers
Many Present Teacher-Evaluation ModelsMany Present Teacher-Evaluation Models
Gallupstudentpoll.com Track your students’ engagement, hope and well being
Success at the Core Videos and facilitators’ guides designed to develop schools’ leadership teams and individual teachers’ skills in the classroom.
At Stewart Elementary School, we want students to begin thinking about college early, so we display the college entrance requirements in our hallway. This helps to set the tone that this is a place to learn, and if students work hard, they will all be prepared for learning after high school.