Mobility of students Natalia Wasiak
Why to study abroad? : Studying abroad increases the chances on the labor market, also the polish one. Regardless of whether you decide to study the entire cycle or only one semester. In addition, such an entry in CV may be valuable for employers. It is possible to develop adapating skills. It means acclimating quickly to new environments such as a place of work. It is a perfect opportunity to learn foreign languages Studying abroad may be a way to find a satisfactory job
The effects of the migration: decrease in unemployment loss of educated staff reducing the number of population Decrease in birthrate family breakdowns slower developing of high-tech industry
Advantages to studying abroad Studying aboad can take several years or a few semesteres. Knowledge and experience gained at foreign universities are appreciated by employers. People who study abroad not only continue their education, gain new knowledge and keep practicing but also develop their language skills. In addition, it is possible to meet new people and make an international friendship. Self-reliance, responsibilty, contact with a foreign culture is an additional advantage
Disadvantages to studying abroad: For some people it's an expensive investment. Not everything will be easy as it is a foreign country. It sometimes takes lots of time to acclimate. You may not be able to cope with all the difficulties and barriers of communication Lifestyle and the scope of learning changes Confusion, misunderstanding and loneliness are other disadvantages of going abroad to study An accomodation is needed