PUMP UP YOUR VALUE! Presented by: Frank Sun 孫 立 千 101/10/231 What ASSOMA do the distinct way? 2013/04/22
CONTENTS 1. What certificates do ASSOMA have? 2. What assurance does the certificate bring to us and customers? 3. How to well apply the certificates for sales and marketing?
EXAMPLE of CERTIFICATES for Selling a Person Diploma? TOEIC score? Driving License? To present a person’s qualification.
Certificates ASSOMA have 1. ISO ﹕ 9001 ﹕ 2008 (TS16949)‚ ﹕ 2004‚ IECQ QC ﹕ 2005‚ IEC : CE ﹕ Machinery, EMC‚ LVD 3. ATEX : 4. CFP : BSI PAS2050 : 2011 PCFV086
ISO ISO (International Organization for Standardization) ﹕ the main cause of the establishment of the European Common Market is to ensure product circulated in Europe the quality is satisfactory and thus to reduce technical barriers in trading. ISO certifications are certified by a third party. (ASSOMA obtains certifications shown on the following pages)
ASSOMA’s Certification: ISO 9001
ASSOMA’s Certification: ISO 14001
ASSOMA’s Certification: ISO IECQ QC08000
ASSOMA’s ISO related Certificates
ASSOMA’s CE related Certificates
ASSOMA’s: ATEX Certification
ASSOMA’s: ATEX Certication
ASSOMA’s: ATEX Certification
ATEX : Atmosphere EX ﹕ Explosive II ﹕ Equipment group II 2 ﹕ Equipment category 2 T6 ﹕ Maximum surface temperature 85C
ASSOMA’s: ATEX related Directives Directive 2006/42/EC (May 17, 2006) Machinery Directive 2004/108/EC (Dec 15, 2004) Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2006/95/EC (Dec 12, 2006) Electrical Equipment Directive 94/9/EC (March 23,1994) Equipment & Protective Systems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
ASSOMA’s: CFP Certification
ASSOMA’s: CPF Certification
One set of AMX-655FGACV (pump without motor) consumes CFP kgCO 2 e. One set of AMX-553FGACV(pump without motor) consumes CFP kgCO 2 e. One set of AMX-441FGACV AMX- 553FGACV(pump without motor) consumes CFP kgCO 2 e.
Product Identification HSF Identification ASSOMA Process Product ATEX Identification CE
See What We Do Don’t overlook what efforts we put on our Quality Management System.
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