Introduction Hello, everyone! In this project you are going to write comics The fun is about to begin. Ready? Lets go!
The Task You are going to : work in 4 groups visit download your team’s file surf Web pages in order to find the information you need write comic strips practise and revise Past Simple-Past Continuous use linking words
The Process 1.Visit 2.Click Projects and find your name in one of the projects. 3.Download the Instructions. 4.Read them carefully. 5.Download your team file. 6.Give possible answers for each picture in your team home page. 7.Use Past Simple or Continuous to describe the picture. 8.Use linking words. 9.Type your answers in the PowerPoint presentation and save it. 10.Upload your finished assignment in the Wiki. 11.If you do not know how to do something in the Wiki, contact me or your fellow students. 12.Check other teams’ writing assignment and comment through discussion posts.
Evaluation Using Past Simple/ContinuousFull of mistakes Lots of mistakes Some mistakesFew mistakesExcellent Using linking wordsNo useSlight use Quite good useSatisfactoryPerfect Telling a storyPoorScattere d sentence s making little sense Quite interestingVery appealing approach Impressive writing Downloading/uploading files, editing files and pages Impossibl e Difficult to achieve Did Ok.Did not have any difficulty, quite impressive. Commenting and improving your classmates’ work Non- participat ing Tried a little Tried as much as they could Offered comment which were quite helpful, wholly cooperated. Contributed to the other teams’ works in an exemplary way. Team cooperationNon- existent PoorFairVery goodEscellent
Conclusion I hope you had lots of fun writing, reviewing and reading your final comic strips!