1 EASp Sections SAFETY PLAN FRAMEWORK SYSTEMIC ISSUESOPERATIONAL ISSUESEMERGING ISSUES Working with States to implement and develop SSPsCOMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT BY AEROPLANESNew products, systems, technologies and operations Working with States to foster the implementation of SMS in the industryRunway ExcursionsEnvironmental factors Safety Management enablersMid-air collisionsRegulatory considerations Complexity of the systemControlled Flight Into Terrain Competence of PersonnelLoss of Control In Flight Ground Collisions OTHER TYPES OF OPERATION Helicopters General Aviation HUMAN FACTORS AND PERFORMANCE Safety Actions
2 Examples of EASp Actions on GA 2. General Aviation GA1.1 Improve quality of General Aviation safety data Improve the collection and analysis in Europe of General Aviation fleet usage and safety data for a better evaluation of safety risks. MScont.SP Report on GA usage and safety data in Europe. GA1.2 Improve General Aviation Safety in Europe through risk awareness and safety promotion. Contribute to improve risk awareness, sharing of good practices and safety promotion among the European general aviation community EGASTcont.SPLeaflets and training material. GA1.5 Airspace infringement risk in general aviation. National authorities should play the leading role in establishing and promoting local implementation priorities and actions. MScont.SP List of local implementation priorities and actions for GA GA1.6 Priorities to focus GA work not formally established Based on data received from EASA Member States, the Agency will identify and publish the main accident categories affecting general aviation aircraft below 2250 kg in Europe. EASA2013SP Main priorities identified Operational Issues No.IssueActionsOwnerDatesType Deliverable (Measure)
EGAST Safety Promotion Leaflets
Latest one Loss of Control In-flight (LOCI) is main accident category in light aeroplanes Procedure consistent with FAA AC and EASA SIB Learn the standard method from the initial training stage! 4
Coming soon… future EGAST GA Safety Leaflets Leaflet GA 9: Use of Flight Information Services Leaflet GA10: Fuel Handling Leaflet GA11: Safety at Flying Displays for Organisers and for Pilots Leaflet GA 12: Use of Collision Avoidance Systems for GA Pilots Leaflet GA 13: Ground Handling at Small Airports and GA Airfields Leaflet GA 14: Operating from Short Airfields based on IAA “Stripping” Leaflet
UK CAA Safety Sense Leaflets 6
7 Posters Asociación Española de Pilotos de Aeronaves Ligeras Other promotion: Posters
Other promotion – Europe Air Sports
Safety Videos by IASA (Institut pour l’Amélioration de la Sécurité Aérienne), France Loss of visual reference Safety parachute can save your life ! Loss of control in VMC Backside of the power curve Video on the Loss of Control in Degraded Visual Environment Fuel Risk 9