Our Vision: To lead out-of-hospital community healthcare We’re here to help…… CLCH Customer Services Tony Fishenden Customer Service Manager Central London Community Healthcare
The Services we provide… We're the NHS community healthcare provider in four London boroughs: Barnet, Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster We provide a number of services in the community, including: Community and District nursing Health visiting Podiatry (foot health) NHS Walk-in and Urgent Care Centres Children and family services Specialist services to help manage long term conditions Rehabilitation and therapies Palliative care services Offender health services 2
How to reach us… Send us a letter about your complaint Send us an about your complaint or download our leaflet, which is also available in Easy Read format, from our website Talk about your complaint over the telephone It may help if you think about what you want to happen when we look into your complaint Another person can make a complaint for you. This can be a member of your family, a friend or VoiceAbility. If you want this to happen, we need a letter from you saying we can talk about your case with the person making the complaint for you. 3
When you make a complaint We will try to sort out your complaint here at the Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust Within 3 days we will get in touch with you to let you know we have got your complaint We will then investigate your complaint We will agree with you how much time we can take to find out what happened We may need more time to find out what happened If we need more time we will ask you if this is alright We will then send you a reply to your complaint. The reply will be signed by the person in charge, who is called the Chief Executive. 4
After we reply to your complaint If you are not happy with our reply we will try again to see if we can resolve it for you. If you ask for an independent review, you will be asked to write to a group of experts called the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. This group can only look at complaints if we have tried to sort out your complaint 5
Thank you! Tony Fishenden CLCH Customer Service Team Call us on us at Fax us Download our leaflets, which are also available in Easy Read format, from: Write to us at : Customer Service Team FREEPOST RSLS-RCUA-XZAX Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP 6