October Report on APLMF Pacific Island Workshop, 21 Oct 2008
October Participants 1. Mr D Ratabwiy, Nauru 2. Mr V Gabi, Papua New Guinea 3. Ms G Fuimaono, Samoa 4. Mr O Jino, Solomon Islands 5. Ms P Palometa, Tonga 6. Mr M Lototele, Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Secretariat, Fiji 7. Dr G Harvey, Workshop Chair, Member, APLMF Executive 8. Mr A Johnston, Member, APLMF Executive 9. Mr J Birch, CIML Honorary Member 10. Mrs M Haire, Chair, APLMF WG Training Coordination 11. Dr U Diekmann, PTB Technical Cooperation 12. Dr A Samuel, NMI, Australia, APMP DEC
October Workshop Objective To review current status of Legal Metrology/ Trade Measurement in Pacific Island States and key issues/needs with a view to develop recommendations for consideration: at national level at Pacific-regional level by APLMF by OIML
October Workshop Program Studies of standards and conformance activities/needs undertaken in 2005 – Metrology study by J Birch Update from PIF Secretariat on related activities since 2005 Survey responses and reports from participants Identification of recommendations
October Key issues / needs and outputs identified Membership / affiliation with APLMF possible conduit through PNG (existing APLMF member) sub-regional affiliation (through PIF?) Benefits: Access to resources such as training, documentation, SRB-level projects, etc Issues: costs of participation in meetings one economy/liaison point to provide representation level of development of PIs c.f APLMF members APLMF membership includes economies at similar level of development current access to APLMF material Password restrictions?
October Input/advice from OIML OIML RLMOs Meeting Pacific Island Forum “ Standards and Conformance Seminar ” 2009 Awareness-raising/commitment by governments APLMF/OIML expert participation in regional events e.g., PIF “ S&C Seminar ”, 2009 Dissemination of OIML leaflet and APLMF SWG2 Guideline document (stakeholder brochure) Creation of Directory of Legal Metrology authorities / contact points & dissemination of information PIF Secretariat to consider: taking on role of maintaining database developing a “ S&C ” webpage on the PIF Website Key issues / needs and outputs identified
October Harmonising metrological systems among PI States Establishment of a Pacific Island Metrology Forum Drafting of new / review of existing legislation common need for expert advice in developing appropriate legislation, incorporating, e.g., administrative structures, cost recovery, sustainability National coordination of legislative requirements administered by different agencies Training needs range of specific priority needs identified APLMF courses of particular interest include: “ Train the Trainer ”, NAWI, Traffic safety, Electricity & Water meters, Fuel dispensers, taxi meters, technical training for inspectors Equipment needs range of specific priority needs identified Key issues / needs and outputs identified
October Needs assessment: Application of APLMF SWG1 guideline document by each PI State re: needs assessment, identification and prioritisation of national and regional needs provide input to Pacific Island “ S&C Seminar ” and Regional Trade Facilitation Programme (RTFP) development Technical assistance/donor-related: Assistance in development of submissions to donor agencies Coordination of technical assistance / donor activities (e.g., EU, AusAID, NZAID, JICA) Effective involvement of technical experts from key regional partners (e.g., Australia, New Zealand, Chinese Taipei, China) Key issues / needs and outputs identified
October Acknowledgements the Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany Mr John Birch NMI, Australia