End of Life Care in Dementia Project Eleanor Langridge
Project Aim The overall aim of the project is to improve end of life care for people with dementia across Sussex, so that more people with dementia die in their preferred place of death, with dignity, without undue pain and with their advance wishes respected.
Specific objectives To increase advanced end of life care planning for people with dementia To develop a comprehensive care pathway for people with dementia at the end of life To ensure staff caring for those with dementia and nearing the end of their life are equipped with the skills to deliver safe, high quality care.
Progress to date Four stakeholder groups established across Sussex Engagement and consultation with a wide cross section of stakeholders People with dementia, their relatives & carers involved in consultation and review Integrated dementia care pathway is developing Examples of best practice have been identified for dissemination Increase in partnership working to share expertise and develop knowledge & skills Identified a number of sustainable ‘products’ to be developed with aim of making these available across Sussex
Main Themes Emerging Inconsistency of information made available to people with dementia, their relatives & carers – especially about dementia & support services Need to increase the opportunities for people with dementia, their relatives & carers to talk about the future and plans for care & support Need to provide practitioners with opportunities to improve communication skills and explore their own feelings regarding advance care planning Improve knowledge & skills regarding end of life care and dementia especially recognising terminal stages of dementia
Learning Disability Providers Focus group Planning to hold a Sussex Wide focus group for learning disability service providers. Aims to: Consider the specific needs of people with a learning disability in relation to end of life care in dementia. Ensure these are reflected in the integrated pathway
Some Other Project Outcomes ‘Conversations for Life’ staff training ‘Time to Talk’ hints and tips leaflet Reference leaflet regarding the Mental Capacity Act and DNACPR ‘Beyond Barriers’ palliative care education programme for care staff and relatives ‘This is Me’ bag Toolkit for practitioners to support learning & practice development in dementia and end of life care
Thank You Eleanor Langridge End of Life Care in Dementia Project Manager Tel: