1WP6 - Dissemination & OutreachPresenter initials DEWS - Distant Early Warning System WP6: Dissemination & Outreach Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum - GFZ Dr. Mario Wipki Andreas Küppers Antje Treutler Follow-up Review Meeting, Brussels 11 th – 12 th December 2008
Slide 2WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach - Project Communication Materials (6.1) - Media & Web (6.2) - DEWS Conferences I & II (6.3) - DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) - Long term outreach measures (6.5) Work package objectives Task
Slide 3WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS - WP6: Dissemination and Outreach Achievements (deliverables) December 2008 = M 23
Slide 4WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Project Communication Materials (6.1) 1. edition Project leaflet/image brochure
Slide 5WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Project Communication Materials (6.1) 2. edition Project leaflet/image brochure
Slide 6WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Project Communication Materials (6.1) B asic S upport for C ooperative W ork Public cooperation platform on the Internet
Slide 7WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Project Communication Materials (6.1) Press Releases
Slide 8WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Media & Web (6.2) www. dews-online.org
Slide 9WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Media & Web (6.2)
Slide 10WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS – Conferences (6.3) Midterm Conference 2008 First Circular – Call for Papers
Slide 11WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Conferences I & II (6.3) Conference Planning
Slide 12WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS – Conferences (6.3) Online Registration (database)
Slide 13WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS – Conferences (6.3) Development of a conference programme
Slide 14WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS – Conferences (6.3) Abstract Volume
Slide 15WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS – Conferences (6.3) Final conference, Spring 2010
Slide 16WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) Modular Material Introduction to Natural Disaster and Disaster Mitigation Sensor systems for Tsunami Early Warning Systems CAP - Common Alerting Protocol Modelling of Software Intensive Systems Modules in preparation (GFZ) Modelling of Tsunami Propagation Source Modelling – Ocean Modelling – Run Up Modelling Decision Support System (DSS)
Slide 17WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) E-learning
Slide 18WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) Modular Materials – E-learning Suitable e-learning methods for DEWS Blended Learning (Hybrid Learning) Selfstudy + Face to Face Teaching = „Blended Learning“ Teleteaching (Live-) Broadcasting of lectures via the Internet
Slide 19WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) E-learning Central question: Are the subjects suitable for electronic teaching and which additional benefit will be achieved?
Slide 20WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Bild verlängern, oben auch kl. Bild für Nat. Disaster
Slide 21WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Ancient tsunamis Tsunami protectionGeodynamics in Japan Nature metacafe M I T
Slide 22WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach DEWS Knowledge Platform (6.4) Modular Material – E-learning Seismometers - GPS instruments - Satellites Tide gauges - Buoys - Ocean Buttom Unit = OBU
Slide 23WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Long term outreach measures (6.5) Curriculum development for early warning system engineers (Tertiary Education) Mathematics Physics, Geophysics Seismology Geology, Plate tectonics, Remote Sensing Oceanography Informatics / Geoinformatics Sensor Systems for Early Warning Systems Civil Engineering – Statics Integrated Coastal Zone Management Natural Hazard and Disaster Management Organisation – Authorities and public law Sociology / Psychology of emergency events Natural Sciences Informatics Technic Social Sciences / Management
Slide 24WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Proposed planning for the next 12-month period Extending the Knowledge Platform Modular material from INCO partners Development of the e-learning platform e.g. “How to operate the CCUI” Curriculum development / Kick-off meetings with INCO university partners Preparation of the Midterm Conference (April 2009) Abstract Volume | Proceedings Preparation of the final conference 2010 Updating the Coordinated Country Reports on Education Activities (D6.9) Project presentations Future plans
Slide 25WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach Thank you for your attention Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum - GFZ Potsdam, Telegrafenberg Tel: Fax:
Slide 26WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach
Slide 27WP6 - Dissemination & Outreach WP6 Deliverables for the next 12 month period December 2008 = M 23 Future plans