Starter Activity Can you name 3 ways in which the Scottish Parliament is more accessible to the people. Answer like; One way in which the Scottish Parliament is accessible to the people is _________(remember to explain what it is)
Democracy in the UK and Scotland Between 1707 and 1999 Scotland was governed by the UK Parliament in Westminster
In 1997, the Labour Party held a referendum on a Devolved Government for Scotland. Over 75% voted for a Scottish Parliament. The first elections were held on 6 May 1999. The first meeting of the Scottish Parliament took place on 12 May 1999. On 1 July 1999 the Parliament was officially opened by the Queen. It received its full legislative powers.
Devolved and Reserved Matters The Scottish Parliament was given powers to make laws in certain areas that would apply to Scotland. These were called DEVOLVED MATTERS. Areas that were deemed to be of National (UK wide) importance remained RESERVED MATTERS
DEVOLVED MATTERS Health Education Sport and the Arts The Environment Local Government Social Work Housing Planning Tourism Economic Development Transport (some aspects) Justice – Courts and Legal system Police and Fire Services Agriculture, forestry and fishing
RESERVED MATTERS Defence Social Security Foreign Affairs Time Currency Immigration Gambling Energy Weights and Measures Broadcasting Economic Policy Elections Equal Opportunities Data Protection
TASK In your jotters draw a table with two columns. One with the column head ‘Devolved Matters’ and the other with the head ‘Reserved Matters’ Devolved Reserved
Place each of the matters in this list under the correct headings NHS Local Councils Building new schools RAF National Lottery Wind Farms Links with foreign countries Football Planning Permission to build a Nuclear Power Station Building new prisons Free prescriptions for everyone in Scotland ID cards Increasing benefits
Place each of the matters in this list under the correct headings NHS D Local Councils D Building new schools D RAF R National Lottery R Wind Farms R Links with foreign countries R Football D Planning Permission to build a Nuclear Power Station D Building new prisons D Free prescriptions for everyone in Scotland D ID cards R Increasing benefits R
Lets see what you have learned so far Lets see what you have learned so far. Who do you think makes the decision about each of these issues? Write either Scottish parliament or UK parliament in your jotters 1) Decision to go to war with Scottish troops 2) Implementing a new curriculum in Scottish schools 3) Building more council homes in Cumbernauld 4) Raising the state pension age for Scottish citizens 5) Building a new hospital in Glasgow 6) Passing a law to combat terrorism in Scotland
Decision to go to war – UK Parliament Implementing a new school curriculum – Scottish Parliament Building more council homes – Scottish Parliament Raising the state pension age – UK Parliament Building a new hospital – Scottish Parliament Passing a law to combat terrorism – UK Parliament
Task Can you think of areas 3 things that The Scottish Government have used its Devolved Powers to implement. Think of areas of Health, Education and Police and Fire. Write your answer in your jotter like- The Scottish Government used its devolved powers to __________(write what they done)___________ this was ____(Explain it)_____________________ they did this under the __(name devolved power)___
Homework You have to find out three things that the Scottish Government has introduced using its Devolved Powers. What was it and what devolved powers were they using?
Devolved Powers - Leaflet The different powers the parliaments have can become confusing for people. Your task is to create a leaflet that will describe what devolved powers are and how the Scottish parliament has used them. What should my leaflet include?
What should my leaflet include? A front cover Your name Lots of colour Explanation of what devolved power is Explanation of what a reserved power is A description of the devolved powers the Scottish parliament has and what they allow the parliament to do Examples of these powers being used to create laws