NCMP NCMP Wolverhampton’s Journey to improve take up and parental feedback
2008/2009 Standardised parental results letter, locally felt to be too complicated School nurses sought parent opinions Opt outs from measurement increasing Solution – change the initial and feedback letters in preparation for 2009/10 collection
Initial Letter School nurses felt that fewer parents would opt out if they had to make more effort to do so – opt out changed AND It was stressed that the measurements were part of an overall health assessment Result: 19 opt outs in 2009/10
Parental Feedback The standardised letter was simplified 4 versions were adopted for 2009/10 according to weight status School nurses were proactive in contacting parents of underweight and very overweight children to offer further support. C4L leaflet included with all letters
2009/10 Concerns expressed by local health professionals regarding feedback letters, against a rising tide of media stories As part of care pathway development, a decision was taken to audit parental views School nurse undertook the audit in June 2010
Audit Results 456 questionnaires distributed, 132 returned – 28.9% 91% found the initial letter informative 86% found the results letter appropriate 75% found the C4L leaflet useful 22% took up the offer of additional support Up to 6% expressed that their child had negative feelings about the assessment
Recommendations Review content of the initial letter Review audit tool, if to be re-used Review letters sent out post assessment to include a ‘what happens next’ section Ensure C4L leaflet is included with the feedback letter – new local leaflet produced incorporating healthy eating/local physical activity opportunities
2010/11 School nursing service need to reduce time on assessments Letters reviewed to incorporate changes in service and take account of new weight management services for children Impact awaited!
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