Where Are You Now with Women’s Enterprise? Phone: Fax: Paisley Road West Glasgow G51 1RJ The CASE For Women’s Enterprise The Workshop Experience Do you disaggregate client statistics by gender, ethnicity, disability and any other under-represented or disadvantaged group? Are at least 40% of your clients women? Is the organisation able to provide the following services, including the option of women-only support? Pre-enterprise training or counseling Business training or counseling Help in accessing finance ICT Training Networking or mutual support groups These are three of the twelve core standards for Business Support Providers as developed by PROWESS to create a framework for the assessment of best practice. These twelve core standards are covered in the workshop and provide a platform for ensuring that your services are women friendly. “I believe this is a critical issue, not just for our economy, but for society as a whole. Women must have the opportunity to fulfill their potential - our country cannot continue to thrive without the enterprise and creativity they offer.” Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and Minister for Women Esteem Ltd For further information contact: Lorna Seonaid IN ASSOCIATION WITH Promoting Women’s Enterprise Support Esteem is the appointed co-ordinator for The Case for Women’s Enterprise workshops. ®
The CASE for Women’s Enterprise The CASE for Women’s Enterprise is a facilitated workshop experience with accompanying Toolkit comprising a set of structured booklets and reference materials. There is a 1 day and a ½ day Workshop option. This Booklet describes the 1 day Workshop. The ½ day facilitated Workshop is designed for key individuals who are experienced in the field of Women’s Enterprise. It provides an opportunity for them to come together to discuss and agree the Strategic Direction for Women’s Enterprise in their region. It also affords the opportunity to share the experience and good practice. The 1 day Workshop is intended to provide basic guidance and ideas on how to support women starting and growing businesses more effectively. It consists of eight elements highlighting the key stages of entrepreneurial development and the key issues for women. Target Audience The CASE is principally aimed at mainstream Business Support Providers, such as Business Link and Enterprise Agencies. Participants may have limited experience of providing targeted services and may not have previously considered segmenting their client needs using a gender perspective. The CASE for Women’s Enterprise Workshop Objectives To provide an overview of The CASE and its context To give the delegates the tools and knowledge to work effectively with women To understand the structure and purpose of The CASE Workshop Overview 9:00 Registration and Coffee Welcome and Introductions Why The CASE? Contents of The CASE “Where Are You Now” Matching The Needs Effective Business Support Understanding the particular needs of women considering self-employment or starting a business is essential to providing effective Business Support. 4 Stages of Growth 1 Lets Start at the Beginning: Pre-pre start up The challenges faced by women at the pre-pre start up stage are highlighted. 2 Ready to go: Start up Deals with the transition into actually starting a business or becoming self employed. 3 Developing the plan: Pre-start up In the business planning stage creating a visible plan and reaching the point where the business is ready to start represents a major challenge. 4 Building for the future: Development and growth Developing and growing a business brings a different set of challenges and this element examines some of the particular issues women face at this stage. Buddies Coaching and Support Networks This element highlights the different roles a business advisor can play in helping women establish effective support networks Money Access to Finance One of the key barriers at both the start up and growth stages of a business. This element identifies issues around finance and examines the options available. Strategy for Women’s Enterprise This element helps to set the Business Support Provider up for success when working with women in enterprise. Review 4:30 Finish Lunch will be served at 12:45