Key Skills ICT Level 1 – What to Do Visit Pembrokeshire – Wales’ most popular coastal location
Contents of Key Skills Folder 1.A slideshow to promote Pembrokeshireslideshow 2.A 4 page A5 leaflet giving information on the four trips you have chosen for the visiting students. (Chose the blank bookfold template in Publisher)leaflet 3.A spreadsheet which calculates the cost of the trips – both the travel cost (coaches) and the entry tickets. 4.A log of your work in WORDlog 5.Evidence of an .
Getting Started 1.Make a folder in the root of your user area with the following name keySkills_firstname_lastname 2.Create a log file in Word –write your name in the header of the file –save the file as KeySkillsLog
Contents of Log File 1.Evidence you have saved work 2.Evidence of research on Internet – Sources Table 3.List of Features you have used in PowerPoint, Word and Publisher 4.Evidence of spreadsheet normal & formula mode 5.Evidence of
Log File – Evidence of Saving Work Make a new folder in the root of your user area. Name the folder KeySkills_yourfirstname_yoursurname
Log File – Evidence of Sending Send an to a friend (not your teacher) attaching either your leaflet or slideshow. Ask your friend to review your work and reply back with some feedback. After you have sent the , open up your sent folder and take a print-screen of the and paste it into a Word document. This is evidence.
Evidence of you Sources You must show evidence of where you sourced your photos AND information. You can do this in a table in Excel or via screenshots. Remember you find images and information VIA not ON Google. Google is a search engine – it finds website for you that contain images or information that match your search criteria. So you need to write the name of the website into your table – or take a screenshot which shows the address of the website. If you use your own photos, these are PRIMARY SOURCES – if you use someone elses they are SECONDARY SOURCES It is important you are aware of this because in the real world you would be sued if you were to breach copyright and use images or information in your work without the permission of the owner.
Contents of Log - Features Used In my work I have used the following features: Changed the font type, size and colour Layered objects - e.g. text in front of shapes Changed the fill colour and line colour of objects Altered the alignment of text Used bullet points and changed the bullet type (maybe used a graphic that you’d made or copied from Internet). Inserted sound from a file. Changed the timings so that the music plays throughout slideshow Added animation. Timed the animation so that the user doesn’t have to click. ……………etc etc etc
Log Contents … Spreadsheet Evidence (Normal Mode) This spreadsheet calculates the cost of each trip.
Log Contents … Spreadsheet Evidence (Formula Mode) This shows all the formulae in the spreadsheet. To get this press the Ctrl key together with the the key directly under the Esc key. Make sure you resize the columns so that you can see the formulae.
Copy of non-ICT material 1.Find a newspaper, magazine or better still marketing leaflet for one of the trips – for example Oakwood or TYF and include this is your hardcopy folder 2.Ask your teacher if in doubt
soft-copy Folder Checklist 1.Key-Skills Folder 2.Powerpoint 3.Leaflet 4.Spreadsheet 5.Log
hard-copy Folder Checklist Printout of: 1.Powerpoint (colour) 2.Leaflet (colour) 3.Log 4.Copy of non-ICT based research Make a cover page with ICT Key Skills Level 1 heading, your name and the date.