1 23/05/2015 Networking Research Infrastructure NCPs National Hellenic Research Foundation (EKT/NHRF) Project Monitoring & Coordination Unit EuroRIs-NET Coordinator Mrs. Dora Farmaki
2 23/05/2015 Networking Research Infrastructure NCPs EuroRIs-Net: Contract no:212879, Call identifier: FP7- INFRASTRUCTURES èCoordination & Support Action (funded under FP7) for Networking European Research Infrastructures National Contact Points èStarting Date: November 1 st 2007, Duration: 48 months èConsortium: RI NCPs of more than 35 countries: EU Member States, Associated States & Russia, Canada, South Africa & UK as observer
3 Main objectives of EuroRIs-Net To ensure the effective implementation of the RI Programme by fostering cooperation among National Contact Points (RIs NCPs) To upgrade the professional skills of the RI NCPs network at European level in order to improve its coherence To provide coherent, high-quality services and to increase the visibility of the RI Programme to the scientific communities, industrial sector and users of RIs at Pan-European level Networking with other NCP networks for the promotion of RI Programme capabilities and to cultivate a “wide culture on RIs” across Europe
4 Important Milestones of EuroRIs-Net (1) Kick-off Meeting: 13/11/2007, Brussels Web site: The EuroRisNet project Press Releases Dissemination across Europe of e-newsletters (2 issues, up to now) Participation and dissemination of information in major RI European Events – Short Video / RI Success stories / Leaflet & poster dissemination Virtual Help Desk / FAQs / Structured project lists / Call Statistics Internal Surveys / External Survey: New users for existing RIs -> RI coordinators Discussion Forums on RI European Initiatives 1 st Training Seminar (& Info Day on e- infrastructures)
5 Important Milestones of EuroRIs-Net (2) 1 st European EuroRIs-Net Workshop, December 12 th 2008, Paris (within the framework of the French Presidency of the E.U.) Speakers & attendees: Consortium members and P.O., EC representatives, ESFRI members, RI PC members, RI I3 project coordinators, other NCP networks coordinators Highlights (based on main conclusions): Support the intensification of communication of existing RIs to potential users (scientific communities, Industry etc.) & communication among RI Project Coordinators & NCPs Support the optimization of existing RIs parallel in order to extract future needs on Research Infrastructures Foster cooperation with other NCP Networks / identify synergies Identification & dissemination of good practices / case studies / formalization in terms of knowledge diffusion & exploitation Highlight the importance of Regional Impact
6 EuroRIs-Net coordination activities Synergies with FP7 thematic NCPs who can operate as multipliers and promote RIs - Complementarity with other FP7 Programmes Promotion of RI Programme that will expand the target groups and users of RIs across Europe Enhancement of collaboration with the RI NCPs of ICPC countries Capacities Cooperation Ideas People RIs
7 EuroRIs-Net project implementation The implementation of EuroRIs-Net will ensure: Coordination and synergies between NCPs networks Raising awareness of Research Infrastructures across Europe High quality, consistent RIs NCP service across Europe for the benefit of users, scientific society, industry, potential proposers and projects consortia
8 EuroRIs-Net Activities and Services Two European workshops (for participants professionally involved with RIs) 2008, France (within the framework of French Presidency of EU) 2011, Italy Promotion of the project at pan-European conferences (poster, presentation, leaflet, video) – see our website: Maintaining website with e-newsletter, success stories, press releases, etc. Collaboration with thematic FP7 NCPs Support of specific groups (less involved research fields, less involved regions) Exchange of information and good practices within the network Service for RI users: simple tool to identify RI projects offering transnational access and services
9 EuroRIs-Net ExpectedImpact EuroRIs-Net Expected Impact Contribution to an integrated European approach towards RIs and to an increased investment in RIs More efficient implementation of the RI Programme Synergy with other NCP Networks Better professional skills of NCPs Increased participation of less involved research fields and convergence and outermost regions Better access of ICPC countries to information on RIs Better quality of proposals to be submitted Simplified transnational access to RIs
10 More Info RIs contact details of each Country: EuroRIs-NET coordinator contact data: Dora Farmaki: Maria Samara: Research Infrastructures under FP7: h-infrastructures_en.html EuroRIs-Net site / Project's Leaflet + Poster