Voorstelling Commerciële opleiding, 5 februari 2007 Aangesloten bij: Looking for (and keeping) new member companies
Some figures Today 8000 members construction- companies +/ self employed +/ companies with staff 2002: integration with Unizo (the interprofessional Flemish Association of SME’s) Joint membership Growth 2002 – 2008: 100%! Mutual support: advice department, recruitment of new members,…
Recruitment of members - Renewal Previous remark: Membership per calendar-year +/- 15% loss per year (in number of members) +/- 20% growth per year (in number of members) = Net growth: 5% Conclusion: “care” for members is as important as recruitment!
Renewal membership By? Direct mailing and target actions Who? –Group 0 – 9 staff: by Unizo –Group 10+ staff: focussed DM & actions by Bouwunie How? –Group 0 – 9 staff: 4 mailings (period October to February) –1. ask for payment (October) –2. reminder with leaflet (November) –3. reminder with leaflet and inquiry (December) –4. reminder in brown envelope + teaser (January) –Phone-action group 5 – 9 staff (February)
Renewal membership How? –Group 10+ : more focussed and personal approach 5 mailings (period October to February) –1. ask for payment (November) –2. reminder with covering letter + leaflet syndical demands (December) –3. New-Year’s card (December) –4. reminder with covering letter, + leaflet benefits (January) –5. reminder with announcement phone action (February) –Phone action by advisers and regional directors (February)
Uw bouwbedrijf
Renewal membership Not renewing the membership means: –“Member only” section of website is blocked (from January) –No monthly magazine Bouwnieuws (from February) –First-line advice stops (from February) –No invitations for networking activities + seminars (unless payment of full fee) –Stop of information via newsletter, fax, etc. –Membership Unizo stopped –Board membership stops (if relevant) –Shipment of pocket-guides stops –Discount for members (in Bouwunie-shop) stops
Prospection – attract new members How? –Direct mailing (period October – February) + targeted prospection by regional directors –1 free issue of monthly magazine Bouwnieuws –Participation at professional fairs –Invitations (not free) to seminars and networking activities –Intermediary (sectororganisations, members of the board) –Golden Pages –Spontaneous application for info – help - advice –Public section of the website –…
Prospection– Direct mailing Target groups 1.0 – 9 staff: by Unizo 8000 correspondents 4 mailings –October, November, December, January –Teaser (gift, voucher, brochures) Target: 10% staff: target actions by Bouwunie 450 correspondents 3 mailings + phone action –November, December, January –Phone action by regional directors –Visit (after appointment) Target: 7%
Prospection – 1 free issue Bouwnieuws 1.Target group = depends on sector 1.Special issue Bouwnieuws: general entrepreneurs, painters, roofworkers, joiners / interior builders 2.+/ correspondents per special 3.Shipment includes: 1.Bouwnieuws 2.Covering letter by director or president of the professional sector organisation 3.Membership formular 4.Objective: become widely known + attract members
Participation at fairs Which? Mainly professional: –Batibouw (biggest construction fair of Belgium) –Prowood (wood-working) –Matexpo (machinery equipment) –Copagrodays (painters) Financial aspect –Free publicity for the fair via means of communication of Bouwunie, in exchange for free stand Means of communication –Website Bouwunie ( –Monthly magazine Bouwnieuws –Electronic newsletters –Direct mailings
Participation at fairs Objectives –Become widely known –Recruitment of members –Networking –Sell products (cd-roms, documents, guides,…) Activities –happening for members (ex. drink at the stand) –Seminars about sector specific topics Be aware: think about: –Budget: renting and/or building stand, electricity, catering, buying admission tickets, parking, decoration, staff for building up,…
Access non-members at seminars and networking activities Objectives –Become widely known –Recruitment of members –Networking Pay attention to –Non-members always pay a fee –Give opportunity to join for membership –Quality is very important –Good catering –Good follow-up!
Intermediary persons (ex. members of the board,…) Objectives –Become widely known –Recruitment of new members (interesting because of presence and experience of local members) Focus points –Provide tools –Syndical demands known by board-members? –Good follow up
Other possibilities by… Golden Pages –Become widely known –“address in case of need” for advice, help,… Spontaneous –Urgent need for advice, service –On condition that membership is offered Public section website –On homepage: link to “on line membership” –On line payment (by creditcard) “Startersday” Unizo –Own stand, seminar for starters in construction sector, opportunity to give advice and promote membership
Contact Bouwunie Spastraat 8 B-1000 Brussel tel Fax