-Sophie Scholl-
Origins and ends Sophia Magdalena Scholl Sophia Magdalena Scholl Born May 9 th 1921 Born May 9 th 1921 Died February 22 nd 1943 Died February 22 nd 1943
Early days Sophie was the fourth of five children. Sophie was the fourth of five children. Her father was the mayor of her home town. Her father was the mayor of her home town. Sophie was raised a Lutheran. She entered grade school at the age of seven, learned easily and had a carefree childhood. In 1930, the family moved to Ludwigsburg and then two years later to Ulm where her father had a business consulting office. Sophie was raised a Lutheran. She entered grade school at the age of seven, learned easily and had a carefree childhood. In 1930, the family moved to Ludwigsburg and then two years later to Ulm where her father had a business consulting office.
Later days She entered secondary school at the age of twelve. She entered secondary school at the age of twelve. There she developed strong political views against the fascism spreading through Europe and Germany. There she developed strong political views against the fascism spreading through Europe and Germany. after serving six months in the national labor service she enrolled at the University of Munich. after serving six months in the national labor service she enrolled at the University of Munich.
The white rose In the summer of 1942, a group of young men — including Willi Graf, Christoph Probst and Hans Scholl (Sophie's brother) — co-authored six anti-Nazi Third Reich political resistance leaflets. Calling themselves the White Rose, they told Germans to passively resist the Nazis after witnessing a group of naked Jews being shot in a pit. In the summer of 1942, a group of young men — including Willi Graf, Christoph Probst and Hans Scholl (Sophie's brother) — co-authored six anti-Nazi Third Reich political resistance leaflets. Calling themselves the White Rose, they told Germans to passively resist the Nazis after witnessing a group of naked Jews being shot in a pit.
Sophie joins Hans tried to keep his sister from knowing about their activities but she soon found out. Hans tried to keep his sister from knowing about their activities but she soon found out. Though Sophie did not take part in the production of the leaflets she did take an active roll in their distribution. Though Sophie did not take part in the production of the leaflets she did take an active roll in their distribution.
Busted! Sophie and the rest of the White Rose were soon caught by the Nazis. Sophie and the rest of the White Rose were soon caught by the Nazis. Sophie and her brother were sentenced to death. Sophie and her brother were sentenced to death. She died in a guillotine on February 22 nd She died in a guillotine on February 22 nd 1943.
A Young Martyr Sophie Scholl was a brave and courageous young woman who helped spread awareness of the evil of the Third Reich. Sophie Scholl was a brave and courageous young woman who helped spread awareness of the evil of the Third Reich. After her death a copy of the sixth leaflet was smuggled to England were it was copied and millions were dropped on Germany in mid After her death a copy of the sixth leaflet was smuggled to England were it was copied and millions were dropped on Germany in mid Her memory lives on today as it always will. Her memory lives on today as it always will.
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