14 th ACRU Annual Conference Rzeszow, Poland May 2006 Tomas Sabol, Erna Beres,


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Presentation transcript:

14 th ACRU Annual Conference Rzeszow, Poland May 2006 Tomas Sabol, Erna Beres,

Program 29 May May 2006 Arrival of participants Arrival of participants Welcome Party Welcome Party

Program (2) 30 May 2006 Opening of the ACRU Annual Conference Opening of the ACRU Annual Conference Introductory statement. President of ACRU - prof. A. Nagy Introductory statement. President of ACRU - prof. A. Nagy Report of ACRU activities since Annual Conference 2004 Report of ACRU activities since Annual Conference 2004 Financial report. Secretary General. Financial report. Secretary General. Discussion Discussion Approval of reports of ACRU activities since Annual Conference 2004 Approval of reports of ACRU activities since Annual Conference 2004

Program (3) 30 May May 2006 Presentations of member universities Presentations of member universities Brief reports on changes at the member universities (change of a contact person, …), Brief reports on changes at the member universities (change of a contact person, …), Projects – ongoing, under preparation Projects – ongoing, under preparation … Election of a new ACRU President Election of a new ACRU President Changes in the Executive Committee Changes in the Executive Committee Auditing Committee Auditing Committee Suggestions for future ACRU activities & joint projects. Discussion - ALL Suggestions for future ACRU activities & joint projects. Discussion - ALL Approval of the Conference declaration, planned activities Approval of the Conference declaration, planned activities AOB AOB Farewell Party

Program (4) 31 May 2006 Departure Departure

Activity Report October March 2006 Tomas Sabol Erna Beres

Activities Socrates-Erasmus agreement, Uni of Oradea – TU Kosice Socrates-Erasmus agreement, Uni of Oradea – TU Kosice Interest of Romanian-German University in Sibiu, RO in ACRU Interest of Romanian-German University in Sibiu, RO in ACRU New ACRU leaflet published New ACRU leaflet published International Summer School “Media and Intercultural Dialogue”, Uni of Oradea (+ Debrecen, Buchurest), July 2005 International Summer School “Media and Intercultural Dialogue”, Uni of Oradea (+ Debrecen, Buchurest), July 2005 Offer for LdV proposal: “Raising awareness and competences on greening process in Common Agricultural Policy through training exchange in Europe”, Regional Development Agency, Marche Region, Italy  sent to members (Godollo, TU, …) Offer for LdV proposal: “Raising awareness and competences on greening process in Common Agricultural Policy through training exchange in Europe”, Regional Development Agency, Marche Region, Italy  sent to members (Godollo, TU, …)

Activities (2) Invitation to join FP6 bid in e-Learning, ecology – Uni of Debrecen, Krakow. February Not successful. Invitation to join FP6 bid in e-Learning, ecology – Uni of Debrecen, Krakow. February Not successful. Conference „Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Forschung zwischen Österreich und Karpatenregion“, Kosice, April National coordinators invited. Conference „Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Forschung zwischen Österreich und Karpatenregion“, Kosice, April National coordinators invited. Journal “Economics & Management” (TU Kosice) – an invitation to create a 'partnership' with journals of similar focus in the region. February Uni of Miskols, Uzhgorod University replied. Journal “Economics & Management” (TU Kosice) – an invitation to create a 'partnership' with journals of similar focus in the region. February Uni of Miskols, Uzhgorod University replied. Participation in survey on Internationalisation of higher education carried out by IAU. February Participation in survey on Internationalisation of higher education carried out by IAU. February 2005.

Activities (3) NATO Risk Management Conference, Godollo, HU, March 2005 NATO Risk Management Conference, Godollo, HU, March 2005 A group of (55) students from the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Faculty of Geography, RO visiting KE – help with accommodation A group of (55) students from the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Faculty of Geography, RO visiting KE – help with accommodation Visiting conferences in SK, Ian Horga, Uni of Oradea Visiting conferences in SK, Ian Horga, Uni of Oradea Bilateral cooperation agreement between Faculty of Economics, TUK and Faculty of Management, AGH Krakow Bilateral cooperation agreement between Faculty of Economics, TUK and Faculty of Management, AGH Krakow withdrew from ACRU by decision of the Academic Senate, November 2005 Military University of Technology, Warsaw - withdrew from ACRU by decision of the Academic Senate, November 2005

Activities (4) Geotour 04 Conference Geotour 04 Conference ACRU member organisations present: ACRU member organisations present: University of Oradea University of Oradea Petrosani University Petrosani University TU Kosice TU Kosice Bilingual Proceedings, 200 pages Bilingual Proceedings, 200 pages Grant from ACRU: 217 EUR (editing and printing of the Proceedings) Grant from ACRU: 217 EUR (editing and printing of the Proceedings) eUniversity Forum: “eIntegration Challenges for Rectors and Deans“, prof. Gricar, SL, eUniversity Forum: “eIntegration Challenges for Rectors and Deans“, prof. Gricar, SL,

Activities (3) Charity concert for victims of Slovak KFOR fly crash, February 2006 Charity concert for victims of Slovak KFOR fly crash, February 2006 Organizers: Organizers: Technical University of Kosice Technical University of Kosice Szent Istvan University Gödöllö Szent Istvan University Gödöllö

Activities (5) Socrates Erasmus student and teacher´mobility among partners: Socrates Erasmus student and teacher´mobility among partners: Members involved (from the point of view of TU Kosice) : Members involved (from the point of view of TU Kosice) : Szent Istvan University Gödöllö Szent Istvan University Gödöllö Technical University Kosice Technical University Kosice University of Miskolc Debrecen University Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice Krakow University of Technology University of Oradea AGH Krakow

Activities (6) PhD mobility Program PhD mobility Program Mrs Julius Svab, from TU of Košice Mrs Julius Svab, from TU of Košice Research activities for doctoral thesis, March 2005, University of Miskolc Research activities for doctoral thesis, March 2005, University of Miskolc One month, 210 EUR One month, 210 EUR Supporting mobility between ACRU member universities Supporting mobility between ACRU member universities Not used for conferences organised by member universities Not used for conferences organised by member universities Under-utilised opportunity!!! Under-utilised opportunity!!!

Membership Applications for membership: Romanian-German University in Sibiu, RO Romanian-German University in Sibiu, RO Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, SK Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, SK Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Serbia and Montenegro Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Serbia and Montenegro

Other Proposal to change the ACRU Statute, Article 10 General Council: Proposal to change the ACRU Statute, Article 10 General Council: Original version: 5. The General Council of the Association will be deemed to be constituted when at least half of the Rectors or Presidents or their designated delegates are present. 6. In deciding the above quorum, justified absences for which no replacement was found will not be taken into account. How to deal with situation when too many members are absent at an Annual Conference?

Other (2) Proposed version: 5. The General Council of the Association will be deemed to be constituted when at least one third of the Rectors or Presidents or their designated delegates are present. 6. If the quorum is not constituted, those presents can decide on summoning an Extraordinary General Council. The quorum at the Extraordinary General Council is defined by those presents and is deemed legal to make decisions. Alternatives: … ??

Other (3) Members of the Auditing Committee have to be nominated Members of the Auditing Committee have to be nominated Events organised can be published/promoted at: Events organised can be published/promoted at: item “New” item “New” Check and update your data – contact person, telephone/fax/ /Web address ! Update of the ACRU Web site Place of the Annual Conference 2007? Slovakia? Place of the Annual Conference 2007? Slovakia?

Members (SK, HU) Technical University of Kosice University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice University of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice University of Miskolc Debrecen University College of Nyíregyháza Szent Istvan University

Members (PL) Rzeszow University of Technology AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow Krakow University of Technology Technical University of Lublin University of Rzeszow Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Katowice

Members (UA) Lviv Polytechnic State University Uzhgorod State University Uzhgorod Institute of Information Science, Economics and Law Ivano ‑ Frankivsk State Technical Oil and Gas University

Members (RO) Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca University "Politechnica" of Bucharest University of "Aurel Vlaicu" din Arad University of Oradea University of Petrosani „1 Decembrie 1918“ University of Alba Julia 23 Members

Financial Report 1 October March 2006

Membership fees for 2005 (EUR) Technical University of Košice, SK 700 Technical University of Košice, SK 700 Debrecen University, H 700 Debrecen University, H 700 Szent István University Gōdōllő, H 700 Szent István University Gōdōllő, H 700 University of Miskolc, H 700 University of Miskolc, H 700 University of Rzeszow, PL /AC organizer/ 700 University of Rzeszow, PL /AC organizer/ AGH University of Science and Technology, PL 700 University of P.J. Safarik, Kosice, SK 700 University of P.J. Safarik, Kosice, SK 700 „1 Decembrie 1918“ University of Alba Julia, RO 700 „1 Decembrie 1918“ University of Alba Julia, RO Babes-Bolyai Uni of Cluj-Napoca, RO 700 Karol Adamiecki Uni of Economics, Katowice, PL 700 University of "Aurel Vlaicu" din Arad, RO 700 Rzeszow University of Technology,PL 700 TOTAL: 8,400

Membership fees for 2004 (EUR) Technical University of Košice, SK 700 Technical University of Košice, SK 700 University of P.J. Safarik, Kosice, SK700 University of P.J. Safarik, Kosice, SK700 Debrecen University, H 700 Debrecen University, H 700 Szent István University Gōdōllő, H 700 Szent István University Gōdōllő, H 700 University of Miskolc, H 700 University of Miskolc, H 700 Rzeszow University of Technology, PL700 Rzeszow University of Technology, PL700 AGH University of Science and Technology700 AGH University of Science and Technology700 University of Rzeszow, PL700 University of Rzeszow, PL700 Technical University of Lublin, PL700 Technical University of Lublin, PL700 University of Oradea, RO (+organiser of AC!)700 University of Oradea, RO (+organiser of AC!)700 TOTAL: 7,000 Bank interest: 675 GRANDTOTAL: 7,675

Expenses: October 2004 – March 2006 (EUR) Rent of the office 0 Rent of the office 0 Honoraria (Secr. Gen., Assistant, Admin., Honoraria (Secr. Gen., Assistant, Admin., Accountant, web admin.) 2,006 Travel expenses 0 Travel expenses 0 Consumables 31 Consumables 31 Communication expenses 259 Communication expenses 259 Printing of ACRU leaflet 1,076 Printing of ACRU leaflet 1,076 Printing (Grant to “Geotour” conf.) 217 Printing (Grant to “Geotour” conf.) 217 PhD mobility (Grant) 210 PhD mobility (Grant) 210 Bank fees 70 Bank fees 70 Charity concert 195 Charity concert 195 TOTAL: 4,064 TOTAL: 4,064

FINANCIAL REPORT: Expenses 1 October 2004 – 31 March ,350 EUR Balance of the bank account (as of 31/3/2006): 41,350 EUR Membership fee: 700 EUR Membership fee: 700 EUR Note: Note: Annual average exchange rate: Annual average exchange rate: 1 EUR = 37.5 Slovak crowns 1 EUR = 37.5 Slovak crowns

The Future?

Areas of activities Priority areas pointed out at ACRU AC 2003: Priority areas pointed out at ACRU AC 2003: Regional development, Regional development, Cross border cooperation Cross border cooperation Implementation of Bologna declaration Implementation of Bologna declaration Joint international courses (Environmental protection, …) Joint international courses (Environmental protection, …) To create a structure among member universities, organising international courses, supporting mobility and economic development within the region To create a structure among member universities, organising international courses, supporting mobility and economic development within the region

Proposals for the future 7th Framework Programme, Areas: Life sciences, IST, Nanotechnologies, Food quality & safety, Sustainable development, knowledge- based society, … 7th Framework Programme, Areas: Life sciences, IST, Nanotechnologies, Food quality & safety, Sustainable development, knowledge- based society, … Marie Curie actions (mobilities), Research infrastructures, Research & Innovation, Science & Society Marie Curie actions (mobilities), Research infrastructures, Research & Innovation, Science & Society Cross Border Cooperation projects Cross Border Cooperation projects

Proposals for the future (2) Cooperation with Georgia Tech University, USA on Corporate Social Responsibility Cooperation with Georgia Tech University, USA on Corporate Social Responsibility Mr. Robert Thomas (Building Bridges Project), Mr. Robert Thomas (Building Bridges Project), ACRU as a vehicle to expand the understanding of CSR in the region ACRU as a vehicle to expand the understanding of CSR in the region to provide workshops and training for professors from ACRU institutions in CSR to provide workshops and training for professors from ACRU institutions in CSR To create CSR centres at ACRU member universities, … To create CSR centres at ACRU member universities, … Funding: USAID (UA), FP7, … Funding: USAID (UA), FP7, … See e.g. article on CSR at: See e.g. article on CSR at:

Proposals for the future (3) Cooperation with EUA – to host a Trends V focus group Cooperation with EUA – to host a Trends V focus group e-Learning projects e-Learning projects Tempus projects Tempus projects INTAS programme – Ukraine ? INTAS programme – Ukraine ?

Proposals for the future (4) Socrates-Erasmus Programme Eligible countries: SK, PL,HU,RO Eligible countries: SK, PL,HU,RO Activities: Student and teacher mobilities, curriculum development, intensive programs Activities: Student and teacher mobilities, curriculum development, intensive programs Needed: Signed bilaterial agreement between two institutions - to submit to institutional Socrates Erasmus coordinator Needed: Signed bilaterial agreement between two institutions - to submit to institutional Socrates Erasmus coordinator Deadline: February every year Deadline: February every year

Proposals for the future (5) CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies Eligible countries: SK, HU, PL, BG, CR, Croatia, SL, RO, Austria Type of Mobility: NETWORK for students and teachers Applications submitted to the National CEEPUS Office of the home country, i.e. the NCO of the Coordinating Institution Deadline: 15 January

Proposals for the future (6) CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM Applications submitted to the National CEEPUS Office Deadline: June 15 for autumn term Deadline: November 15 for spring Period: 1 September - 30 August

Proposals for the future (7) An example of student mobility: Fac. of Economics, TU Kosice is going to sign a Cooperation Agreement with the University of Huddesfield Bachelor students studying one academic year in the UK Getting credit for the UK government and coming back …

Studying for an Honours Degree at The University of Huddersfield United Kingdom The University of Huddersfield United Kingdom 1

Why go abroad? Personal and academic development Personal and academic development Develops language skills Develops language skills Enhances “employability” Enhances “employability” Joint qualifications Joint qualifications Experience of life in another country Experience of life in another country 2

What Courses Do We Offer? BA (Hons) European Business BA (Hons) Business Admin & Management BA (Hons) Global Marketing BA (Hons) Business Information Management BA (Hons) Global Business & Logistics Management Follow a one year top-up course to obtain an honours degree. You must have successfully completed at least two years in your parent University and have obtained 120 ECTS. 3

Cost of living c. £5,000 (10-12 months) Cost of living c. £5,000 (10-12 months) Part-time employment can be obtained Part-time employment can be obtained 20 hours/week at £5- £10 per hour covers cost of living 20 hours/week at £5- £10 per hour covers cost of living Programme Fees – £3,000 per year but you only begin paying back when you earn more than £15,000 per year. Bursaries of up to £1,000 per year are available, dependent on family income. Programme Fees – £3,000 per year but you only begin paying back when you earn more than £15,000 per year. Bursaries of up to £1,000 per year are available, dependent on family income. 4 Financing Your Studies Financing Your Studies

University of Huddesfield Contact: Mr. Alan Hallett University of Huddersfield Huddersfield University Business School Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3DH UK Tel.:

Funding … as usual Visegrad Fund, Visegrad Fund, Carpathian Foundation, Carpathian Foundation, Cross-border Cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion, Carpathian Research Program, Preserving Carpathian Cultural Heritage Cross-border Cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion, Carpathian Research Program, Preserving Carpathian Cultural Heritage Open Society Institute, Budapest, national foundations ( …) Open Society Institute, Budapest, national foundations ( …) FP6/FP7, … FP6/FP7, … USAID – UA, RO USAID – UA, RO Tempus TACIS, INTAS, … Tempus TACIS, INTAS, … … Add some more! … Add some more!

Looking forward to the further cooperation!