Why are we revising writing?


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Presentation transcript:

Why are we revising writing? Learning Objective: To understand what SPAF is. To identify SPAF in a GCSE exam question To start considering how SPAF impacts on the way we write. Why are we revising writing?

GCSE English Language Unit 2 Section B: Writing 40- 45 minutes Approx 25% of your final mark Assessing your Writing Skills You get a CHOICE of TWO questions.

What do you think makes a good piece of writing?

The Message from the examiner is.. It MUST be carefully planned and well structured. It needs to feel crafted; you need to show you have thought about your audience and purpose and you are carefully writing for them. Technical accuracy is important. They’d rather see five well written, interesting paragraphs rather than pages of waffle.

(from the exam spec) Section B: Writing In this section students should answer one writing question from a choice of two. Students will: • demonstrate their skills in reflecting on ideas, issues, experiences and events, rather than on their narrative or descriptive skills • write in a form such as a newspaper article, formal report, magazine review or a contribution to a media programme. The target audience for the communication will be given • reflect and comment on contemporary issues, situations or problems that are within their general experience – such as lifestyle, school/college life, local issues or national issues that affect young people. For both Foundation and Higher tier, students will have a choice of two questions.

(from the exam spec) AO4: Writing i Write to communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, using and adapting forms and selecting vocabulary appropriate to task and purpose in ways that engage the reader. ii Organise information and ideas into structured and sequenced sentences, paragraphs and whole texts, using a variety of linguistic and structural features to support cohesion and overall coherence. iii Use a range of sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate punctuation and spelling. At least a third of the mark relates to bullet (iii).

SAMPLE EXAM PAPER B: WRITING Answer ONE question in this section. EITHER *9 Your local council is planning some changes and has asked you to write a review of community facilities for young people. Write a review which includes suggestions for future improvements. (24) OR *10 Write an article for an information guide recommending a place of interest in the UK that might be enjoyable to visit. (24) Before you can set about answering one of these questions, what four things do you need to do/identify?

Subject Purpose Audience Form

SAMPLE EXAM PAPER B: WRITING Answer ONE question in this section. EITHER *9 Your local council is planning some changes and has asked you to write a review of community facilities for young people. Write a review which includes suggestions for future improvements. (24) OR *10 Write an article for an information guide recommending a place of interest in the UK that might be enjoyable to visit. (24) What are the subjects of each of these questions.

Q: What do we mean by purpose? A: Why a text has been written.

Can you think of reasons why people write? To review To persuade To entertain To analyse To argue To advise/suggest To explain To describe To inform

What do you understand these purposes to mean? Persuade Argue Advise Describe Inform Explain Analyse Review Comment What do these mean? Challenge: Can you think of key language techniques you would need to include in this?

Q: What do we mean by audience? A: Who a text is being written for - the target audience. How many audiences can you come up with? You should say how that will influence HOW you write.

Q: What do we mean by FORMAT? A:What a text is- article, leaflet, blog.

Here is a piece of writing. What is the Format? How do you know that?

Here is a piece of writing. What is the Format? A leaflet How do you know that? Subheadings, clear sections, shorter paragraphs, facts and figures. Warning- if you have to write the text for a leaflet, don’t worry about layout.

Here is a piece of writing. What is the Format? How do you know that?

Here is a piece of writing. What is the Format? A letter How do you know that? Address, clear person being written to, clear introduction, clear end. Warning- it still needs to be longer- and keep it focused on the audience.

Here is a piece of writing. What is the Format? How do you know that?

Warning- don’t write in columns. Here is a piece of writing. What is the Format? Article How do you know that? Headline, paragraphs, use of quotes, facts and figures, starts with most important info Warning- don’t write in columns.

Formality/ AFOREST/SPILLS Language features Identify the PAF Format Features- paragraph lengths, start, ends, headings, bullet points etc. Formality/ AFOREST/SPILLS Language features Leaflet for young people advising them on how to prepare for an exam Speech for local councillors persuading them to improve facilities for young people. Article for newspaper in which you argue about the importance of modern technology Letter to the headteacher informing them why you should be a prefect.

Write down two things you are confident on and one area you feel needs work.

Plenary- Indentify the SPAF from this powerpoint. EITHER *9 Your local council is planning some changes and has asked you to write a review of community facilities for young people. Write a review which includes suggestions for future improvements. (24) OR *10 Write an article for an information guide recommending a place of interest in the UK that might be enjoyable to visit. (24) Before you can set about answering one of these questions, what four things do you need to do/identify? S P A F