Country Presentation Cambodia Inter- Regional Workshop on the Production of Gender Statistics New Delhi, India 6-11 August, 2005 Country Presentation Cambodia Mrs. Hang Lina, DDG, NIS, Cambodia
Land area 181,035 square Km Population 14.3 million Growth rate 1.8 Density 79 Sex Ratio 93,5 Life expectancy F= 67, M=63 GDP per capita $ 385 (2005) GDP growth 9 %
Background Sub Decree and Statistics Law are not stated clearly on Gender statistics. In February, 2007 a Gender Statistics working group has been established as Ad hoc (two time meeting) supported by Statistics Sweden. GSWG is co-operate with the MOWA and other line ministries
NIS Productions Women in Cambodia (1998 and 2004) So far, NIS has produced many publications by using the 1998 Census data, CIPS 2004, CSES, and CDHS. The production of Gender Statistics were: Women in Cambodia (1998 and 2004) Time Use in Cambodia (draft 2007) Women and Men in Cambodia (draft 2007) Gender Situation in Cambodia (leaflet 2005/07)
Improving data availability, access and quality Good Practices: 1- A Gender Statistics Working Group has been established in February, 2007 2- The National Institute of Statistics has conducted several Census and Surveys and all data are available such as:
The 1998 population census (every ten years) The Inter-Censal Population Survey (every ten years) The Time Use survey (one) The Socio-Economic Survey (every year) Demographic and Health Survey (every five years) These surveys and census are the main source for information on gender statistics.
3-Currently, NIS is full of Human resources which have been trained abroad as well as in country. They have enough experiences and skill on statistics. 4- The support from the government on gender mainstreaming. The Royal Government of Cambodia has understood, and encouraged to mainstream the gender into the action plan of the Ministries.
The issues affecting the quality of Statistics Scope and coverage, Editing, coding, verifying, Objectives of the census or surveys, Capacity of staff Control over progress Quality control
Issue affecting the collection/analysis of Gender Statistics By sectors don’t have data on gender, most data are not disaggregated, Difficult to access to data, People don’t understand basic concept on gender statistics, Lack of analysis skill,
Strategies and activities implemented to improve the Gender statistics Regularly censuses and surveys, Large enough scope and coverage, Staff training in country and abroad, The questionnaire is designed after consultation with data users and gender specialists, Among the enumerators, women are in considerable number. The enumerators are specially instructed to be gender sensitive.
Lack of human resources, Lack of fund support, Challenges faced to improve the availability and quality of Gender Statistics Lack of human resources, Lack of fund support, Lack of knowledge on gender statistics,