SINPHONIE project WP8 Communication and dissemination SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting 10-12 November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Eva.


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Presentation transcript:

SINPHONIE project WP8 Communication and dissemination SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Eva Csobod/Reka Prokai (REC), E. de Oliveira Fernandes (IDMEC-FEUP)

The objectives of the SINPHONIE project To review previous research on indoor air quality and its impact on health in schools, and to assess the policy relevance of the research objectives and conclusions To assess the outdoor/indoor school environment and its impact on health To manage risk and develop guidelines/ recommendations To disseminate these guidelines/recommendations to relevant stakeholders.

The objectives of the WP8 To develop an information strategy plan for dissemination of findings of the project to various target groups To develop internal and external communication strategy and tools for the project. Website, leaflet, newsletter, press release To dissemination of the project results to policy makers, media, schools and parents. Project publication


Tasks of the WP8 Website on IAQ and health effects in schools Information leaflet/brochure about the importance of IAQ in connetion with the survey Brochure about the achievement of the project for schools and parents Newsletters about the progress of the project- website Final report of the project Publising the project findings in journals, conference proceedigs

Website: Objective 1:Project management Information about the workplan and its implementation Site of the WPs for information and data storing Interactive space for project partners’ communication Objective 2: Information about the SINPHONIE project Basic project information News about the project (meetings, training cources) Electronic newsletter

The newsletters trainings process of the field studies in the schools (environmental measurements and health survey) the actual events and achievements some results of the research >> implementation of the workplan 2 times/year Timing (suggestion): Month 6, 12,18, 24

Brochures Promotional brochure –information about the project, background, structure and the importance of the research, Month 2 (Nov 2010) Brochure to children, parents and staff of the schools-the importance of IAQ in connection to the survey. Month 6 (March 2011) Brochure about the project’s achievements - Month 24 (Sept 2012)

Questions to the Partners How do you want to use the partner area of the website? Do you like the WP design on the website? Do you agree with the interactive forum? Do you like the data storing function of the website? Do you have other suggestions?

WP8 and project Parters We need the collaboration of all project partners Thank you!