CDA Attachment
CDA Attachment
Generic CDA Profile has constrained the Generic CDA above Fixed classCode Fixed moodCode id is 1..1 Constrained out languageCode
CDA Attachment ObservationMedia classCodeFIXED“OBS” moodCodeFIXED“EVN” idIdentifier for the attachment DCE UUID templateIdFIXED“COCD_TP146224GB02#Ob servationMedia” valueThe attachment being transmitted An image, a report, a leaflet etc…
CDA Attachment Author [optional] Details of the person or device “authoring” the information in the attachment. Usually the person or device who added the attachment to the document – much like the text section author is a person who authored that particular text section. Informant [optional] Someone who has informed (gives information to) the author about the attachment. Subject [optional] The subject of the attachment (who is not the record target). For example, a blood test report of a sibling.
CDA Attachment ObservationMedia.value mediaTypeThe mime type of the encapsulated data (for example a.pdf leaflet would be application/pdf) As guidance, use mime types defined by iana (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) representationEither “B64” for Base 64 Encoding or “TXT” for all other representations. All binary attachment must be in Base 64 Example PFBhdGh3YXlzQ2FzZSB4b …..
CDA Attachment Example of attachment <npfitlc:contentId extension="COCD_TP146224GB02#ObservationMedia" root=" "/> <templateId extension="COCD_TP146224GB02#ObservationMedia" root=" "/> PFBhdGh3YXlzQ2FzZSB4bWxucz…….. YXNlSWQvPg0KCTwvcGF0aHdheURldGFpbHM+DQoJPHNpdGU+DQoJCTxpZD40PC9pZD4NCgkJPG5h bWU+RHVkbGV5PC9uYW1lPg0KCTwvc2l0ZT4NCjwvUGF0aHdheXNDYXNlPg0K
CDA Attachment Linking text to an attachment Text section Document Section 2 Rendered Multimedia associated with Document Section 2 RenderedMultimedia Text
CDA Attachment Linking text to an attachment Attachment <npfitlc:contentId extension="COCD_TP146224GB02#ObservationMedia" root=" "/> <templateId extension="COCD_TP146224GB02#ObservationMedia" root=" "/> PFBhdGh3YXlzQ2FzZSB4bWxucz…….. YXNlSWQvPg0KCTwvcGF0aHdheURldGFpbHM+DQoJPHNpdGU+DQoJCTxpZD40PC9pZD4NCgkJPG5hbWU+RHVkbGV5 PC9uYW1lPg0KCTwvc2l0ZT4NCjwvUGF0aHdheXNDYXNlPg0K
CDA Attachment -END-