Black Sea Culture Portal (CULTUR-EXP) ERFC European Regional Framework for Cooperation
Overall objective – CULTURE EXCHANGE PLATFORM [CulturEXP] REPORT on GA6 – communication and the work of ERFC in general Introduction -Implementation of the communication strategy -Issues of concern: Content up loading and Spam 2 CULTUR-EXP Project
Specific objectives Five Communication (media) campaigns : 1: Platform announcement 2: attract content suppliers 3: target users 4. target new countries 5 sustainability 3 CULTUR-EXP Project
CAMPAIGN 1: Platform announcement Tested to potential recipients and approved project leaflet is to be graphically designed and finalized in English. It would also be provided for use in Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian and Romanian (targeted countries) (note: If partners submit translations in their languages the leaflet can also be handed out to them in their native languages) Leaflet is in English Leaflet, supplemented by Brochure in English, Greek, Armenian, Romanian, Georgian Four Newsletters Designed letters of embracement for institutions, festivals, local authorities in English: DONE Designed letters of support for eminent artists in English: DONE (signed by – see below) DONE – In Greece, sample of signed letters include: Thessaloniki deputy Mayor for Culture Mrs Chrysidou; Dean of the Fine Arts Faculty of Thessaloniki Mr Naziris; PARALLAXIS magazine editor, and cultural event producer Mr G.Toulas; President of Vafopouleio Cultural Center of Thessaloniki Mrs Theodora Lipsistinou; Director of Thessaloniki Museum of Modern Art Mrs Maria Tsantsanoglou; and Composer and ex Minister of Culture, Mr Th. Mikroutsikos. ARMENIA: Jazz musician Mulhaz Malkhas Designed Memorandum of Understanding in English, for potential use: DONE Initial communication guidelines for partner’s reference for contact with cultural targets. DONE Project announcement in face to face meetings with European institutions and potential stakeholders: On the side press conference in 1st/3rd international event platform presentation activity: MORE THAN DONE Brussels (17 Oct 2014), Turkey (Istanbul 7 Oct and Samsun 22 Oct 2014), Romania. Greece (Kavala ). (Bucharest – Feb 2015). 4 CULTUR-EXP Project
CAMPAIGN 2: attract content suppliers Promotional video trailer for Cultur EXP platform addressed both to artists and institutions to be used on cultural sites, social media, potential projections in international events or any other possible use. DONE – on display on the portal Promotional radio spot for Cultur EXP platform to be used on web radios and if possible on thematic radios on a pro bono basis. NOT DONE Promo article to be sent by to institutions: i.e., announcement: DONE (translated in GR, TR, UKR and RO) Banner creation for linking to the platform to be used on sites. Not done Meetings with cultural institutions, local authorities, culture providers to secure content : LOTS of these DONE – e.g., Thessaloniki film festival (August 2013) Kavala ( ); and others. On the side press conference in 2nd/3rd international event platform presentation activity Brussels (17 Oct 2014), Turkey (Istanbul 7 Oct and Samsun 22 Oct 2014), Romania. Greece (Kavala ). (Bucharest – Feb 2015), announcements to MEP , , and CULTUR-EXP Project
CAMPAIGN 3: target users Facebook for Cultur-EXP: set up and moderation : DONE Promo article to be sent by to artists. DONE (i.e., announcement). Plus mention of other material like the online training, video, taken as links from the project website, Article published in printed media in at least one major newspaper of each targeted country. Not done yet Social media campaign guidelines for eventual national media campaigns. Done Meetings with artists and artists unions to secure diffusion of the platform in the artists’ world: announcements to International Federation of Actors, European Writers’ Council, Greek Actors’ Union, Union-Network-International-MEI; World Cinema Alliance, PEARLE, WCA, and others. On the side press conference in 3rd/3rd international event platform presentation activity Brussels (17 Oct 2014), Turkey (Istanbul 7 Oct and Samsun 22 Oct 2014), Romania. Greece (Kavala ). (Bucharest – Feb 2015) 6 CULTUR-EXP Project
CAMPAIGN 4: target new countries All promotional material is usable and designed to also be used in targeted countries. Therefore material is going to be used in online contacts with local authorities, association of artists, cultural providers and online promotional activities in targeted countries as well. DONE – material translated into GR, EN, RO, TR and UKR, Creation of network in Turkey, Ukraine, Romania and Russia for minimum physical presence requirements and face to face meetings. – Yes with TURKEY and UKRAINE (Samun and Odessa development agencies) 7 CULTUR-EXP Project
CAMPAIGN 5: Sustainability Task 1: to be further specified after the completion of the platform and exploration of further developing of the project by integrating e-billing services and other means of financial sustainability ways or exploration of possibilities to have premium services for a fee. Task 2: Informing EU funding and other funding authorities about project’s accomplishments and exploring sustainability issues regarding maintenance cost. In preparation – draft sent to partners from comments, however, Monitor advised we include “cultural sustainability” as well as “financial sustainability” 8 CULTUR-EXP Project
Issues of concern Content up loading : The monitor, Marine Mizandare, on 23 March 2015 advised that more should be done by all the partners, not just Burgas and AMAP to up load content ERFC has up loaded a lot of content and built up groups. Spam: This issue has is a serious issues which undermined our joint efforts to organise a press conference in Yerevan, and it must be dealt with on a permanent basis, Message from ERFC is that security of CulturEXP must be systematic. 9 CULTUR-EXP Project
Pending issues Issues include: 1. ERFC is planning ion JUNE 19 th, in Kavala, with a stakeholder, Dimophelia to carry out a further major announcement. 2. Completion of the five campaigns – indeed the plan for the campaigns need to be formally adopted! 3. Partners need to be more active in securing Groups and Contents from their countries, so said the monitor. 4. Security & maintenance (eg, from Spam) 10 CULTUR-EXP Project
Thank you for attention! 11 CULTUR-EXP Project