Type of Learning StarterMainDessert Knowledge Create a Poster that gives some information about your given topic. Create a fact file on your given topic using research. Create a model of your given topic. Comprehension Describe what makes your topic interesting. (In one paragraph) Create an article about your topic that discusses how important it is. Show what makes your topic interesting in an artistic piece. Application Mind map what makes your topic special. Write a speech about your topic, persuading others that it is important. Create a cartoon that introduces your topic to children. Analysis Create a leaflet that shows the difference between your topic and another similar topic. Find an article about your topic and analyse the impact it has on you. Create a website page for your topic. Synthesis Invent a new product that is linked to your topic. Write a narrative that includes your topic. Plan a lesson to teach others about your topic. Evaluation What did you learn about your topic while doing this project? Evaluate your project. What did you do well? How could you have improved? Create an interesting way to display your work to others. English Homework Menu Year 7: Summer Term 1 DEADLINE: Week beginning 8 th September 2014 Your task is to select and complete a starter, a main, and a dessert each week. In the final week of the term you will present your topic to your class as a speaking and listening exercise. You will receive an achievement point for every task which you complete each week Your subject is Me Myself and I Miss FarrellMr Rocca Mrs Ward Mrs Markendale Ms FordMrs Gray
Type of Learning StarterMainDessert Knowledge Create a Poster that gives some information about your given topic. Create a fact file on your given topic using research. Create a model of your given topic. Comprehension Describe what makes your topic interesting. (In one paragraph) Create an article about your topic that discusses how important it is. Show what makes your topic interesting in an artistic piece. Application Mind map what makes your topic special. Write a speech about your topic, persuading others that it is important. Create a cartoon that introduces your topic to children. Analysis Create a leaflet that shows the difference between your topic and another similar topic. Find an article about your topic and analyse the impact it has on you. Create a website page for your topic. Synthesis Invent a new product that is linked to your topic. Write a narrative that includes your topic. Plan a lesson to teach others about your topic. Evaluation What did you learn about your topic while doing this project? Evaluate your project. What did you do well? How could you have improved? Create an interesting way to display your work to others. English Homework Menu Year 8: Summer Term 1 DEADLINE: Week beginning 8 th September 2014 Your task is to select and complete a starter, a main, and a dessert each week. In the final week of the term you will present your topic to your class as a speaking and listening exercise. You will receive an achievement point for every task which you complete each week Your subject is Conflict Miss FarrellMs Ford Mrs Ward Mrs Markendale Mr Rocca Mrs Hallam
Type of Learning StarterMainDessert Knowledge Create a Poster that gives some information about your given topic. Create a fact file on your given topic using research. Create a model of your given topic. Comprehension Describe what makes your topic interesting. (In one paragraph) Create an article about your topic that discusses how important it is. Show what makes your topic interesting in an artistic piece. Application Mind map what makes your topic special. Write a speech about your topic, persuading others that it is important. Create a cartoon that introduces your topic to children. Analysis Create a leaflet that shows the difference between your topic and another similar topic. Find an article about your topic and analyse the impact it has on you. Create a website page for your topic. Synthesis Invent a new product that is linked to your topic. Write a narrative that includes your topic. Plan a lesson to teach others about your topic. Evaluation What did you learn about your topic while doing this project? Evaluate your project. What did you do well? How could you have improved? Create an interesting way to display your work to others. English Homework Menu Year 9: Summer Term 1 DEADLINE: Week beginning 8 th September 2014 Your task is to select and complete a starter, a main, and a dessert each week. In the final week of the term you will present your topic to your class as a speaking and listening exercise. You will receive an achievement point for every task which you complete each week Your subject is Poet Project Ms Ford Mrs Ward Mrs Markendale Mrs Hallam Mrs Gray
Type of Learning StarterMainDessert Knowledge Create a Poster that gives some information about your given topic. Create a fact file on your given topic using research. Create a model of your given topic. Comprehension Describe what makes your topic interesting. (In one paragraph) Create an article about your topic that discusses how important it is. Show what makes your topic interesting in an artistic piece. Application Mind map what makes your topic special. Write a speech about your topic, persuading others that it is important. Create a cartoon that introduces your topic to children. Analysis Create a leaflet that shows the difference between your topic and another similar topic. Find an article about your topic and analyse the impact it has on you. Create a website page for your topic. Synthesis Invent a new product that is linked to your topic. Write a narrative that includes your topic. Plan a lesson to teach others about your topic. Evaluation What did you learn about your topic while doing this project? Evaluate your project. What did you do well? How could you have improved? Create an interesting way to display your work to others. English Homework Menu Year 10: Summer Term 1 DEADLINE: Week beginning 8 th September 2014 Your task is to select and complete a starter, a main, and a dessert each week. In the final week of the term you will present your topic to your class as a speaking and listening exercise. You will receive an achievement point for every task which you complete each week Your subject is research on classroom learning (Shakespeare or Poetry) Mr Rocca Mrs Ward Mrs Markendale Mrs Hallam Mrs GrayMiss Farrell
Type of Learning StarterMainDessert Knowledge Create a Poster that gives some information about your given topic. Create a fact file on your given topic using research. Create a model of your given topic. Comprehension Describe what makes your topic interesting. (In one paragraph) Create an article about your topic that discusses how important it is. Show what makes your topic interesting in an artistic piece. Application Mind map what makes your topic special. Write a speech about your topic, persuading others that it is important. Create a cartoon that introduces your topic to children. Analysis Create a leaflet that shows the difference between your topic and another similar topic. Find an article about your topic and analyse the impact it has on you. Create a website page for your topic. Synthesis Invent a new product that is linked to your topic. Write a narrative that includes your topic. Plan a lesson to teach others about your topic. Evaluation What did you learn about your topic while doing this project? Evaluate your project. What did you do well? How could you have improved? Create an interesting way to display your work to others. English Homework Menu Year 11: Summer Term 1 DEADLINE: Week beginning 8 th September 2014 Your task is to select and complete a starter, a main, and a dessert each week. In the final week of the term you will present your topic to your class as a speaking and listening exercise. You will receive an achievement point for every task which you complete each week Your subject is research on classroom learning (Shakespeare/Poetry or Narratives) Mr Rocca Ms Ford Mrs Markendale Mrs Hallam Mrs GrayMiss Farrell