1 ALLinHE: the workpackages Ruud Duvekot Inholland University of Applied Sciences Kick-off ALLinHE-project Aarhus, December 11-13, 2011 Project nr LLP NL-ERASMUS-ESIN
2 WP1 Management 1.Steering it all (steering groups) 2.Financial and time administration 3.Interim report 4.Endreport
3 WP2 Dissemination 1.Leaflet 2.Logo 3.Website 4.Learning community 5.Newsletters 6.1 st national stakeholders meetings
4 WP3 Preparing ALLinHE 1.Kick-off meeting (Aarhus, month 3) 2.National reports 3.National VPL-framework 4.Programme for training assessors and guiders 5.2 nd partner meeting (Lugano, month 11)
5 WP4 Implementation: test, analysis & synthesis -National pilots, testing the VPL-model -Analysis (national) -Synthesis (international) -Book on best practices -Partnermeeting 3 (Paris, month 16) -Partnermeeting 4 (Jyväskylä, month 24)
6 WP5 Valorisation: exploitation of the results -Book with national reports -2 nd national stakeholders meeting -1 st International VPL-Biennale (Amsterdam, month 30) -Raising awareness campaign
7 WP6 Quality-management and Evaluation Plan -Quality management & evaluation -Evaluation reports
8 3rd country partners WP 1-6 -Wp1: see all partners -WP2: see all partners -WP3: workshop on ACBS -WP4: Korean pilot & report -WP5: see all partners -WP6: see all partners