9am Arrival and breakfast 9.20am Welcome and outline of our Traineeship Martin Foulkes, Starting Point Education Services Manager 9.40am TSSP: Aims and outcomes Jo Smith, Work Experience Coordinator 10.00am The Employer experience Pauline Devine, Director of Employment Services, St Helens Chamber Angela Metcalfe, The Hope Centre 10.15am Comfort break/networking 10.30am The Learner experience St Helens Chamber learners 10.45am Launch of resources Martin Foulkes, Starting Point Education Services Manager 11.00amEvaluation and close Martin Foulkes AGENDA: HELPING YOUNG PEOPLE TO START THEIR CAREERS St Helens Chamber, 25 th July 2014
Traineeship Staff Support Project: The Background
Our path to an apprenticeship: Work Ready – Chamber Approved
Do You Want to Work? Ready to commit to full time employment Looking for training while you work Hardworking, enthusiastic, reliable Something to offer businesses
Our Model: REmployabilityWork Experience Functional Skills and Job Hubs NCFE Employability Health and Safety Portfolio Mock Interview 3 days per week weeks Pre-defined objectives Monitored by our team Completed open reference or interview Functional Skills
‘Meet the Apprentice’ Events
Outcomes in 2013/14
Any Questions?
Traineeship Staff Support Project: Our Journey April – July 2014
Project aim: To increase Traineeship capacity by improving staff training and support Key Deliverables To provide training and resources to increase staff knowledge and confidence in creating Traineeships Creation of resource pack/good practice manual and dissemination Generating new SME Traineeship placements Evaluative conference
Staff Development A staff survey was completed by 52 people to establish baseline knowledge and confidence: 59.6% people were aware of our Traineeship offer, but many could not outline key elements 65.38% people had never discussed Traineeship opportunities with local people or businesses 16% people were very confident creating/supporting Traineeships
Staff Development The staff survey also asked how and in what format people would like further information. The most popular responses included: Information leaflet Case studies Information added to staff intranet List of ways staff can help updates Contact details for further info
Staff Development Outcomes Staff Development session: Strenghtening the number and quality of Traineeships in SME’s and underrepresented sectors (attended by 52 people) Recorded and blogged Staff consultation Meetings/Employer Task Force updates and electronic information made available Information leaflet created as part of larger resource pack
Resource Materials: Outcomes Employer Task force provided a steering group to agree content and format: Employer Pack Staff Delivery Materials Brokerage pack Resources have been shared across a network of more than 1000 colleagues, members and organisations. Resources will be accessible alongside other project TSSP outputs on website.
Generating new Traineeship placements: Outcomes Generate 10 new placements in 3 new sectors creating 15 new Traineeship roles During the lifetime of the project: 15 new placements have been created by 14 new companies. This has created 15 new Traineeships initially, however many roles are ongoing. New placements are in a variety of sectors – created to meet demand and increase opportunities in underrepresented areas.
Generating new Traineeship placements:
Key successful approaches in generating new Traineeship placements: Brokerage: Agreement established between Chamber and Employer Local network Assurance of ‘Chamber Approved’ and classroom learning Unique position as a member organisation Seamless transition into Apprenticeships and ongoing careers support/development New placements and opportunities have been shared across relevant colleagues to further increase awareness and understanding
Distance travelled: Following this activity, completed another staff survey to measure distance travelled:
Distance travelled:
How confident would you feel creating/supporting Traineeships?
What next: Use feedback and ideas from today Final evaluative report Resources to be uploaded to TSSP website and quality assured Use and development of resources in practice
Any Questions?
Traineeship Staff Support Project: Employer Views
Traineeship Staff Support Project: Angela Metcalfe Hope Centre
Break Please find tea and coffee in the café and feel free to chat with other delegates
Traineeship Staff Support Project: Learner Perspectives
Traineeship Staff Support Project: Support Packs
Traineeship Staff Support Project: Evaluation and Closing Remarks