Landscape Change Mapper Ryan Feather and Dan Halloran 4/30/15.


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Presentation transcript:

Landscape Change Mapper Ryan Feather and Dan Halloran 4/30/15

 As a user who is hiking in the Black Hills, I would like to…  Report a landscape change event  Provide details about the event  Include pictures I have taken  So that I can..  Improve public knowledge about my environment  Report events that pose threats / cause concern Primary User Story

 Citizens able to submit/view landscape events  Event information and pictures  Robust search  Data gathered for research  Toolset for scientists  Anonymous or registered  Extend to new technology Goals

 Proof of Concept  Crowd Sourcing  Citizen Science  Mobile Applications  Open Source Software/Data  USGS “Did You Feel It” Background

 Agile Model – Sprints and evolving requirements  Atlassian Jira – Issue tracking, Sprint planning and storyboarding  Atlassian Stash (Git) – Version control and code repository Project Management

Phase 1 - Website

 Bootstrap  HTML/CSS  Javascript  JQuery  Async POST requests  JSON - Serialization  Leaflet.js  Leaflet.draw  Mapbox  PHP  Apache  Amazon Web Services  MongoDB Technologies Used

 User Login / Registration  Event Creation  Search Tools  Event Details Page Components


  Feel free to try it yourself Small Demonstration

Map Thumbnail

API Example

 Database has Collections(tables)  Event – Submitted event info  Files –Uploaded images (gridFS)  User – User information.  Happen – Happening now events (described later)  GoogleAuth – Links user table with google API Oauth2 (for Glass)  All database reads / writes through php driver  Passes queries using php arrays. Database

 Relatively new trend  Allows previously unheard of flexibility  “Schemaless” means that data can be inserted regardless of previous records.  Generally has an “implied” schema rather than an “explicit”  Great for rapid prototyping and key-value stores. Not so great for data security and data consistency. NoSQL Database

 Same functionality/database as website  Increase crowd sourcing  Keep it simple  Mobile concerns  Network connectivity  Battery life  Screen size Phase 2 – Android App

 Android Studio  User friendly (suggestions/auto completion)  Version control built in  Powerful emulator  Debug on physical devices  Layouts in XML  Rest in Java IDE

 Stack of activities (screens)  User quits activity with back arrow  Suspends activity with home button  Navigation add layers  Programatically  Don’t keep login/register activity  Intent starts new activity Android Lifecycle

 Android permission to view connectivity  Check network is enabled  Check if network has internet access  Error if not connected  If valid connection enable login or register button Network Connectivity

 All fields filled out  Passwords match if registering  validation  Built in android pattern matcher Form Validation

 Persistent key value pairs stored to phone  Each app has own storage  Not secure, but hard to access  Used to remember login  Encrypt password stored on phone Shared Preferences

 Application not responding in 5 seconds  Important for network tasks  Thread off of main UI thread  Used frequently in app  Asynch built in with return methods Asynch Task

 Similar to login/register activities  Validate all fields filled in  Build JSON object  Async post to server  Check return data Create Event

 Three different ways to make app  Traditional android app installed on device  Glass Development Kit installed on device  Mirror using google API service Phase 3 – Google Glass App

 Built same as cell phone app  Familiar  Great documentation and samples  Layouts might not work correctly  Can’t use glass features  Text to speech  Gestures  Timelines/cards Traditional Android App

 Android (API 19) and glass development kit preview in the SDK  Compile with GDK  Works in most Android IDE’s  No theme  Has glass features available  Not full network support Glass Development Kit

 Nothing installed on device  Data accessed through RESTful API  Code is stored on server  Support for most languages (PHP)  User’s google account gives permission  LCM linked to google account and stored in server  Service inserted into glass  Picture is sent to google API  Server requests updates from API node Mirror (What we used)

Setting up API

Mirror PHP Quick Start

Linking Google Account

 JSON object that glass sends to API  Contains all information about picture  Date, speakable text, attachments, location, etc  Has everything we would want  Stored in Google’s API server  Timeline is sent to server when requested  Create scheduled task on server  “Happening Now” Timeline Card

 App on Android phone paired with Glass  Helps pair and setup  Screen mirrors Glass display on phone  Device info  Last known location My Glass
