Desktop Publishing Lesson 2 - Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Starter Layering – Effects– Formatting – Styles – Grouping - Discuss how the following keywords may be used in a DTP Publication: Layering – Effects– Formatting – Styles – Grouping - House Style – Color fill - Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Lesson Overview Objectives Outcomes Time Understand what is meant by Target Audience and Purpose. Understand how a range of of DTP features and Graphics software can be used to enhance a publication Outcomes Time Task 1 Review the Magazine front covers using Key words in the starter activity as part of your explanation. Task 2 Edit the existing front cover and try and apply the features discussed in the starter activity Task 3 Explain why a Graphics software may be used to create elements of a DTP publication. Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Task 1 - Worksheet Review the Magazine front covers using Key words in the starter activity as part of your explanation. Also Identify the Target Audience and Purpose for each front cover. Layering Frames Formatting Styles Grouping House Style Color fill Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Task 2 – Front Cover Template Edit the existing Front Cover Template in a suitable Graphics software. Adobe Fireworks Try and apply the features discussed in the starter Activity. Look at the existing front covers. Think about the information you need to add to the front cover. Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Task 3 - Worksheet Explain why a Graphics software may be used to create elements of a DTP publication. Identify 5 Advantages: Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Plenary – Refer to the Lesson Objectives Understand what is meant by Target Audience and Purpose. Understand how a range of of DTP features and Graphics software can be used to enhance a publication Plenary Task Some Pupils will present their work on the board. They will explain what they have done in order to meet the requirements of the target audience and purpose. Pupils will identify which features they used in the Graphics software and explain how it has enhanced your design. Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing
Homework Find a magazine, leaflet, poster and evaluate the different features of the publication. You must identify at least 3 features and explain how they enhance the publication. Unit 7 – Desktop Publishing