Assuring Transformation Transfer of Data Collection to HSCIC, January 2015
Presenters Andy Tookey – Data & Information Lead, NHS England Learning Disability Programme Robert Cavalleri – Specialist Learning Disabilities Project Lead, HSCIC Community and Mental Health Team Catherine Faley – Section Head, HSCIC Data Collection Team Judith Ellison – Higher Information Analyst, HSCIC Data Collection Team
Introduction Background: The Department of Health published Transforming Care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital and the Concordat: Programme of Action in December 2012. The review of services indicated that failings were widespread within the operating organisation but importantly also evident across the wider care system. The Concordat and 63 actions detailed within the review seek to address poor and inappropriate care and achieve the best outcomes for people with a learning disability, or autism, who may also have mental health needs or behaviour that challenges. The purpose of this data collection is to ensure that the public awareness of the NHS commitments in the Winterbourne View Concordat is transparent and robust. It will also be used to triangulate with the Learning Disability Census completed by providers on 30 September 2014. This process is important for informing and influencing The Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme. It is an accepted principle that services should be local, care and treatment should be appropriate and there should be a substantial and sustained reduction in hospital placements for this group of people. Taking part will help monitor progress towards these goals.
Introduction Why are we holding these engagement events? The Assuring Transformation quarterly data return is transferring to a new collection system hosted by HSCIC. This is a ‘live’ system – a completely new way of running the data return. Commissioners and CSUs need to understand how the system will run, how to keep their data accurate and up-to-date, how to validate historic and current data, and how to access and register on the new system.
Purpose Aims of the new collection: Provide a low burden mechanism to collect these data Provide high quality assured data at a higher frequency Provide data to NHS England to drive and monitor improvement Enable more frequent publication of base data Provide data to inform 4 national ONS reports Provide visualisation via HSCIC platform for commissioner comparisons To support goals set out in ‘Transforming Care’.
Purpose Data quality Data security Why change? Data quality Data security Data reliability, accuracy and validity Data linkage and triangulation (LDC / MHLDDS) Timeliness Reporting Utility / value Appropriateness
Introduction Legality and IG issues: Directions Section 251 SCCI 2007 Information Standards Notice
Purpose Legality and IG issues: Directions The Health and Social Care Information Centre (Establishment of Information Systems for NHS Services: Assuring Transformation Data Collection) Directions 2014 The National Health Service Commissioning Board gives the following Directions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 254(1), (3) and (6), 262(3)(a) and (b), 262(7) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. In accordance with section 254(5) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the National Health Service Commissioning Board has consulted the Health and Social Care Information Centre before giving these Directions.
Purpose Legality and IG issues: Section 251 approval Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001 as re-enacted by Section 251 of the NHS Act 2006 allows the Secretary of State for Health to make regulations to set aside the common law duty of confidentiality for defined medical purposes. - See more at: CAG 8-02 (a)/2014 Assuring Transformation: Data collection by Clinical Commissioning Groups to populate patient registers and reporting CAG 8-02 (b)/2014 Data collection by NHS England Area Teams responsible for commissioning secure mental health and child and adolescent mental health services to populate patient register and reporting. CAG 8-02 (c)/2014 Assuring Transformation: Enhanced Quality Assurance
Purpose Legality and IG issues: SCCI 2007 Information Standards Notice This information standard is published under section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. You must comply with this new information standard by the full conformance date.
Coming Soon Fair processing and patient objection: NHS England is developing a patient leaflet which will explain why we are using the patient’s data, and what they should do if they object to their data being used. A Fair Processing notice is also being developed. These materials will be provided centrally by NHS England.
Purpose Expected improvements in data quality: Commissioner centric data: Ambition to reduce the number of people ‘accommodated’ as inpatients 1680/2600 have a planned community discharge date 50% discharge ambition of the March 2014 cohort. Of the March cohort the 2014 Q1 collection identified 264 uncoded or duplicate records
Purpose Expected improvements in data quality: Collection will address all commissioners of services 1680/2600 have a planned community discharge date LD census recorded 3250 inpatients - data from the two sources will be aligned Of the March cohort the 2014 Q1 collection identified 264 uncoded or duplicate records The live system will not permit duplicate records- fields are mandated Maintaining the system will indicate movement within time period- monthly
Purpose What has the data told us to date? AT data collection has now been run for four quarters. NHS England analysts publish Primary and Secondary (cross-tab) information on NHS England website. The data has shown significant improvements in the proportion of inpatients undertaking care reviews, having a care co-ordinator and having a planned discharge date. We have an improved understanding of the care settings and Mental Health Act status of inpatients, and the reasons preventing their discharge to a community setting.
Purpose What has the data told us to date (cont.)? Data quality is improving but there are still quality issues – for example, patients (NHS number) being reported by more than one commissioner. Data flow – the inpatient stock has remained static at around 2600 inpatients, but reported admissions are significantly higher than reported discharges. We need to be able to identify readmissions – currently this cannot be done in Assuring Transformation with any confidence. Data and analysis published as static reports.
New Process, System and Questions Catherine Faley Judith Ellison Data Collection Team HSCIC
New Process, System and Questions Overview of new process Registration Data Cleansing Guidance HSCIC Data Collection system Validation Question set
Process Overview
New Process - Registration HSCIC REGISTRATION EMAIL DATA SUBMITTER Email CALDICOTT GUARDIAN This will provide access to Data Depot and CAP Email HSCIC
New Process – Data Cleansing What we’ll do: Make code changes (eg Data Dictionary compliance) Highlight any DQ issues Send data back to you What you’ll do: Liaise with Providers Update records Add new records Prepare data to upload to CAP Be responsible for uploading data to CAP KEY MESSAGE: HSCIC ACTIONS IN FIRST MONTH ONLY
New Process – Sending Data to Submitters HSCIC Upload data First Month ONLY DATA DEPOT Log on using SSO and Download data DATA SUBMITTER
New Process - Guidance Lots of it!! Operational guidance Question guidance Videos Mailbox: People at end of phone
New Process – Live System Clinical Audit Platform (CAP) Secure, tried and trusted Live System KEY MESSAGE: csv FORMAT for BULK UPLOAD
New Process – Live System PROVIDERS S251 approval Data Depot SUBMITTER Update existing records and upload any new records First month only CAP
New Process – Live System PROVIDERS S251 approval Each subsequent month SUBMITTER Update existing records and upload any new records CAP KEY MESSAGE: MONTHLY DATA CUT BY HSCIC
New Process – CAP Overview CAP is: Secure, tried and trusted for clinical audits, supported Sign on with SSO credentials Concept of a “LIVE” system KEY MESSAGE: CAP WILL CONTAIN NO DATA AT BEGINNING OF PROCESS
New Process – CAP Overview Add/Search for Patient Record If small numbers to upload When adding additional records When amending individual records File Submission Dashboard Bulk uploads csv format KEY MESSAGE: GUIDANCE VIDEOS
New Process - Validation Data will be validated upon submission All errors will need to be corrected before submission will be accepted FORMAT (N or AN; DD-MM-CCYY) “DUPLICATE” RECORDS If no changes from previous month, KEY MESSAGE: INSTRUCTION AND GUIDANCE NOTES
New Process – Questions: Old and New Some: coding changes, question changes, new questions KEY MESSAGE: SEE HANDOUT
New Process - Summary Registration required Data will be made available from HSCIC for first month only Commissioners update or confirm data each month prior to HSCIC cut at month end Commissioners are responsible for updating system, following liaison with Providers
Information analysts: New Process – HELP! Information analysts: Bridget Evans Clare Burgon Tim Underwood David Fisher: 0113 8665676 Sarah Freeman: 0113 8665646 Glenda Fozzard: 0113 2547064 Judith Ellison: 0113 2547283
New Process QUESTIONS?
How the Data Will Be Used Tableau visualisation: Data will be presented in Tableau!/vizhome/MentalhealthCurrencyandPaymentreports-Aug2014/Home Current analysis and data will continue to be available. Monthly management information published and made available to NHS England operations staff.