The Conditional Tense
I would ….. The Conditional Tense is used to say what you would do. It will impress the examiner if you can write/ say a few sentences using the conditional tense. HOW TO FORM THE CONDITIONAL TENSE For Regular Verbs: Simply add the conditional endings to the infinitive of the verb. NB. For re verbs, you need to remove the e first.
Endings for the conditional tense je ________ais tu ________ais il/elle/on______ait nous ________ions vous ________iez Ils/ elles _____aient e.g. je joueraisI would play nous vendrionsWe would sell ils finiraientThey would finish
Irregular Verbs in the Conditional Tense You will need to learn the stems of common irregular verbs. Then you simply add the Conditional Endings. INFINITIVESTEMCONDITIONALMEANING allerirJiraisI would go avoiraurJauraisI would have devoirdevrJe devraisI would have to êtreserJe seraisI would be faireferJe feraisI would do/ make pouvoirpourrJe pourraisI would be able to voirverrJe verraisI would see vouloirvoudrJe voudraisI would like
Si je gagnais à la loterie nationale, …. The conditional tense will help you to write and say more complex sentences. e.g. Si je gagnais à la loterie nationale, je voyagerais autour du monde en première classe. If I won the lottery, I would travel first class around the world.