Revision Guide to GCSE Spanish
Exams Listening and Reading = (morning) 15 th May 2015 Speaking = sample has been called Writing = externally marked and will be sent a week before the deadline (15 th May) One last mock Listening and Reading exam Monday and Tuesday 27 th -28 th April 2015
Listening exam 2015 HIGHER = 35min + 5min reading time A* 8 questions 4 marks per question Multiple choice, choose the correct sentences 8 marks Q.4 A* answer the questions in English FOUNDATION = 25min + 5 min reading time C 10 questions 4 marks per question: multiple choice, choose the correct sentences Q10 answer with one or two words in English
Reading exam 2015 (cross-over questions B/C) HIGHER = 50 minutes A* 8 questions 4 mark questions: multiple choice, choose the 4 correct sentences Q4 A* – Answer the questions in English Q8 A* - Choose the correct answer in Spanish FOUNDATION = 35 minutes C 10 questions 4 mark questions: multiple choice, choose the 4 correct sentences / pictures Q10 – Answer the questions in English
Revision tips Practice makes perfect minutes + 5 minute break Short vocabulary tests on words on a variety of topics (even the Foundation exams will expect pupils to know vocabulary across the topics)
Where to revise Purple Edexcel revision guide and workbook are perfect for exam question techniqueEdexcel revision guide Revision Guide made by the department given to pupils before the mock exams in March Websites – see leaflet