Written Tasks 20% Candidates complete 2 written tasks. One is based on a literary option, the other on a cultural option. The combined maximum word limit for both tasks is 1500 (1800 for Chinese) words. Each task must be of a different type of text. An essay is not an acceptable type of text
To be submitted with a coversheet and a designated rationale form. Candidates must explain the link between their task and the option studied. Primary and secondary sources used in the production of the tasks must be acknowledged.
Types of texts Poetic communication Mass communication Professional communication (refer to 小辞典)
Poetic communication 文学类 Autobiography 自传 Diary 日记 Novel 长篇小说 Pastiche 某文学作品的仿作 Song lyric 歌词 Biography 个人专记 Drama 戏剧作品 Novella 中篇小说 Poetry 诗歌 Travel writing 游记 Cartoon 漫画作品 Essay (抒情性)散文 Parody 具幽默风格的 文学仿作 Short story 短篇小说
Mass communication 传媒类 Advertisement 广告 Editorial 社论 Letter to editor 至编辑信 News report 新闻报道 Appeal 诉求书信 Interview 采访报道 Magazine article 杂志 文章 Opinion column 意见栏 Brochure / leaflet 小册 子、传单、活页 Journalistic review 报 刊评述 Manifesto 宣言、声明 Speech 演讲
Professional communication 专业文体类 Guide 指南 Police statement 警方的声明 Letter 书信 Report 行业或政府的报告 Letter of application 申请书信 Set of instructions or guidelines 成套的 介绍或是指南
Topics covered by March 2009 Media & Culture / Social Issues 广告 电影 网络信息 歧视 贫穷 社会企业 Future Issues (For Higher group) 全球暖化 基因工程 (转基因食品 、遗 传工程) 电脑科技与日常生 活 再生能源
For Higher Level Group 04/19 – oral assessment + think about written task topics (which cultural option, text type, topic) 04/25 – talk about written task topic with each individual + prepare for past paper practice 05/3 rd – Finalize written task (I) topic + past paper practice
Timeline and Topics for IB Report Y12 IB A2 SL Oct. - Advertisement Dec. - Mass Media / Internet Feb. - Filming May - Poverty Y12 IB A2 HL Oct. - Global Warming Dec. – Genetic Engineering Feb. - Alternative Energy May - Computer Technology and Daily Life
Timeline and Topics for IB Report Y13 IB A2 SL Oct. - Discrimination Dec. - Family Feb. - Education Y13 IB A2 HL Oct. - Discrimination Dec. – Family Feb. - Education