Identity Introduction The Organic.Edunet Web portal Objectives Technology Content Consortium Workplan Contact details
Project title Organic.Lingua: Demonstrating the potential of a multilingual Web portal for Sustainable Agricultural & Environmental Education Funded by the CIP ICT PSP Theme 6: Multilingual Web Objective 6.2: Multilingual Online Services Duration 36 months 1/3/ /2/2014 Overall budget: euros Community funding: euros (50%) Project website:
Enhance the existing Organic.Edunet Web portal by introducing automated multilingual services that will further support the uptake of the portal by its targeted audiences, facilitate the multilingual features of the portal, and further extend its geographical and linguistic coverage.
Organic.Edunet ( not fully exploiting language technologies Translation error prone and time consuming Opportunities to enhance the quality and efficiency of cross-language functions
Existing solution not using linguistic resources and tools Cross-lingual search not enabled Fragmentation of resource descriptions in several languages Organic.Edunet to be transformed into a truly multilingual service
Advance in the identification of user needs regarding linguistic support in on-line information services Identify and explore new or anticipated user interface, functional and technical requirements related to linguistic technologies Enhance the approach to linguistic support and coverage of the existing Organic.Edunet infrastructure.
Devise and validate innovative and effective methods, processes and workflows for linguistic support in Organic.Edunet Enhance, extend and re-engineer the existing Organic.Edunet Web portal towards a wider and cost-effective multilingual support ◦ broaden the current audience and impact of the service.
Deploy large pilots trials that demonstrate a cost- effective approach for delivering language technologies in existing Web portals based on open standards and open source software, Develop good practice guides and awareness on the practical application of language technologies,
“Boost the usage, exploitation and extension of knowledge on Organic Agriculture and Agroecology by using new/ innovative ways to facilitate searching and to minimize the segmentation of knowledge due to lingual barriers through the introduction of automated multilingual services, supported by a quality-controlled collaborative and interactive approach while developing a sustainable, low-cost and re-usable solution to the problem of multilinguality across Europe and the whole globe.” Boost knowledge on Organic Agriculture and Agroecology Minimize the segmentation of knowledge Introduce automated multilingual services Sustainable, low-cost and re-usable solution
School teachers Academics/researchers Students Informal/ lifelong Learners Content stakeholders/providers
1. Organic.Edunet Web portal platform 2. MoKi Tool 3. CELI Multilingual Software Modules 4. Know-Miner Framework 5. MATRAX 6. Xerox Incremental Parser (XIP) 7. Agricultural Learning Repository Tool 8. Turkish Agricultural Learning Objects Repository (TrAgLor)
Existing Collections
Focus on two existing repository cases Miksike’s Estonian repository UAH’s Spanish repository Content
Introduction of two new repositories INRA’s institutional repository Cukurova University’s repository (TragLOR) Content
PartnerCountry 1. University of Alcala(UAH) SPAIN 2. OÜ MIKSIKE(MIK) ESTONIA 3. Kompetenzzentrum Fur Wissensbasierte Anwendungen Und Systeme Forschungs- Und Entwicklungs Gmbh (K-C) AUSTRIA 4. Fondazione Bruno Kessler(FBK) ITALY 5. CELI SRL(CELI) ITALY 6. Xerox Research Centre Europe(XER) FRANCE 7. Agro-Know Technologies(AK) GREECE
PartnerCountry 8. Birmingham City University (BCU) UK 9. University of Çukurova (CUK) TURKEY 10. Instituto de Investigación en Tecnología y SostenibilidadOÜ (IITS) SPAIN 11. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) FRANCE
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