Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 OntoWeb SIG5 Language Technology in Ontology Development and Use Paul Buitelaar Language Technology Department Competence Center Semantic Web DFKI GmbH Saarbrücken, Germany Thierry Declerck Computational Linguistics Department Saarland University Saarbrücken, Germany
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Knowledge Markup, Ontology Development Information Extraction (Extracting Meaningful Units) Linguistic/Semantic Annotation (Analyzing Dependency Structure) Part-of-Speech Tagging, Morphological Analysis, Phrase Recognition, Grammatical Functions, Semantic Tagging Semantic Web LT-based Semantic Web
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Turning the web into a semantic web implies widespread knowledge markup of web documents with ontology-based metadata (Semi-)automatic authoring support for knowledge markup of textual/multimedia documents will be provided by language technology tools Linguistic/Semantic Annotation > Information Extraction > LT-based Knowledge Markup LT in Knowledge Markup
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Ontologies evolve rapidly over time and between applications, therefore (semi-)automatic adaptation of ontologies is essential for their efficient use Adaptation involves the use of NLP and ML methods Linguistic/Semantic Annotation > Information Extraction > Text Mining LT in Ontology Development
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Linguistic Annotation (MuchMore) Balint syndrom is a combination of symptoms including simultanagnosia, a disorder of spatial and object-based attention, disturbed spatial perception and representation, and optic ataxia resulting from bilateral parieto-occipital lesions. Balint syndrom is a combination of symptoms... spatial perception...
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Semantic Annotation (MuchMore) Balint syndrom is a combination of symptoms including simultanagnosia, a disorder of spatial and object-based attention, disturbed spatial perception and representation, and optic ataxia resulting from bilateral parieto-occipital lesions.
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Information Extraction (MUMIS) Ein Freistoss von Christian Ziege aus 25 Metern geht ueber das Tor. (A 25-meter free-kick by Christian Ziege goes over the goal.)
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 SIG5 Portal Development Repository of Best Practice, Resources, Tools Platform for Cooperation in R&D Contact Point for “Semantic Technology” Industry OntoWeb SIG5 SIG5 Network Activities Dissemination (Talks, Workshops, Summerschools) Concertation (SIGs, Standardization Bodies) Some History Proposal for SIG5 at OntoWeb2 Meeting (Dec. 2001) SIG5 Launch at OntoWeb3 Meeting (June 2002) SIG5 Portal Launch in August 2002
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Portal : Index
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Portal : Index
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Topics : Language Technology
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Topics : Language Technology
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Meetings, Workshops, Summerschools Networks Meeting OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona, Spain Endorsement of the 3 rd XMLNLP Workshop, Budapest, Hungary OntoWeb Summerschool, Madrid, Spain 5 th EuroLan Summerschool (Topic: Language Technology and the Semantic Web), Rumania SIG5 Workshop Major Conference in LT, AI, and/or KM) SIGs and Standardization Bodies ACL: SIGSEM, SIGLEX ISO/TC37/SC4 Global WordNet Association Portal: Knowledge Markup with LT-World Ontology Future SIG5 Network Activities
Language Technology for the Semantic Web OntoWeb/AgentLink, Barcelona: February 4 th,2003 Output Enriched Documents through Linguistic/Semantic Annotation (Semi-Structured Data) > Knowledge Markup – Ontology Based Annotation > Text/Data Mining, Classification Feature Extraction SIG5 Input/Output Input Textual Documents - Text, Transcripts, HTML/XML with Metadata (also in Multimedia Context),… Terminology, Thesauri, Ontologies – linguistic (e.g. WordNet), Domain-Specific Markup Formats – XMLS, RDFS, OWL