Using language services to enrich the LOs' descriptions Dr. Vassilis Protonotarios University of Alcala, Spain 10 th Strategic Seminar / Conference 6-7 November 2013, Brussels, Belgium
What is the AgLR tool? AgLR: An enhanced repository tool that supports the multilingual and semantic annotation of content resources. It is periodically improved and re-deployed, as the users are testing and evaluating the software Built on the OMEKA platform but highly customized
About the AgLR tool Developed in the context of the Organic.Lingua ICT-PSP project Current version available at:
The user interface
General features of AgLR
The AgLR features Multilingual user interface – already available in 10 languages – New translations easily added through Transifex Integrates the revised Organic.Edunet IEEE LOM AP (v3.0) and Organic.Edunet ontology Integrates the XEROX MATRAX statistical machine translation component
Exporting individual XML files
Exporting metadata AgLR is OAI-PMH compliant Exports Organic.Edunet IEEE LOM AP metadata – Through an OAI-PMH target Each collection in AgLR has a unique target – Collections treated as sets
Importing metadata AgLR supports Organic.Edunet IEEE LOM AP metadata Other metadata formats can be ingested – Transformation to Organic.Edunet AP needed Online documentation of Organic.Edunet AP:
Using the AgLR tool
Adding a new item
Create/Enrich/Edit metadata Annotator goes through all metadata categories / metadata elements Mandatory fields marked with asterisk (*) should always be completed
Automatic translation in AgLR
Automatic translation (1/2) Microsoft Translator XEROX Matrax
Automatic translation (2/2) User is presented with automatic translations of existing text Suggestions are highlighted and need to be confirmed by the user User can revise the suggested translations before the validates them
Manual translation Applies to – Title – Description – Keywords Selection from a pull-down menu
Analytics service Service integrated in AgLR – Keeps track of the accepted translations – Keeps track of revisions performed by the user in the suggested translations – Used for the “training” of the automatic translation tools
Additional multilinguality features
Multilingual metadata AP Organic.Edunet IEEE LOM AP based on the IEEE LOM standard The Organic.Edunet IEEE LOM AP is currently available in sixteen (16) languages Some of the translations are ongoing Ongoing work towards its publication as linked data
Multilingual ontology The Organic.Edunet Ontology is currently available in eighteen (18) languages Some of the translations are ongoing Ontology managed in an online collaborative tool (MoKi)
Organic.Edunet ontology in MoKi Provides user-friendly interface Supports additional translations of the concepts in any language AgLR is connected to MoKi through an API – All revisions in MoKi are automatically available in AgLR
Automatic metadata extraction We want to create a metadata record out this resource: We install the User Generated Content (UGC) widget as a bookmark We visit the page and click the bookmark
agriMoodle A custom version of Moodle for serving the needs of green courses – provides great green/agri- templates and themes – is linked to interesting sources of green/agri- educational material – trainers can use tools to import resources from relevant agricultural repositories – trainers can easily create and export metadata for their courses and resources – learners can benefit from (automatic) references to useful material, through various widgets
agriMoodle multilingual features Supports annotation of courses/resources with IEEE LOM (multilingual) metadata – Facilitate indexing and retrieval of courses from Hubs Automatic translation tools are being integrated in agriMoodle – Users provided with automatic translations to be revised/validated
Automatic translation of title Automatic translation of description Automatic translation of keywords
Thank you for your attention & Contact me at The Organic.Lingua project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community