What’s your Policy? Steve Darn Yaşar University
Visions, Missions and Policies Educational Vision Statements contain details of the future of the establishment - its vision (future plans with aims and objectives). These types of Statements focus on tomorrow. Educational Mission Statements contain important information about the Educational establishment. This should include what the college or school does, its achievements and who attends. Educational Mission Statements focus on today. Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. The core values are the guiding principles that dictate behaviour and action. A policy is a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. Steve Darn Yaşar University
Mission and Vision To educate individuals as global change and transformational leaders for the sake of humanity who synthesize universal ethical values and personal gainings with sound knowledge of science and technology. to educate and equip qualified students with leadership attributes, entrepreneurial capabilities, critical thinking skills and the ability to contribute valuable research in a variety of sciences. Steve Darn Yaşar University
Language Missions at international standards. at least two foreign languages in a functional learning environment use them educational and professional life high-quality pursue their studies in their subsequent departments and/or programs communicate effectively in their future social and professional lives English-medium effective, enthusiastic, and autonomous learners communicative approach a part of their academic courses an intermediate level communicate freely - employment in national and international organizations reading, comprehension, writing and speaking skills comprehend work within their departments cultural codes all kinds of mediums and technology Native teachers play a big role using CEF Steve Darn Yaşar University
Achievability Steve Darn Yaşar University
From Vision to Action Steve Darn Yaşar University
Why Policy? By determining a Language Policy, the University seeks to ■ Ensure that the language used in research, teaching, administration, services and communication is rich and comprehensible. ■ Increase language awareness, emphasise multilingual capacity as a strength and encourage the use of different languages. ■ Meet the challenges brought about by increased internationalisation. ■ Secure the status and the position of the national language as languages of research and scholarship. ■ Support and strengthen the implementation of the University’s bilingualism. ■ Determine the status and development targets for teaching and research undertaken in other languages. ■ Determine the languages to be used in a given situation at the University. ■ Develop opportunities deriving from partial linguistic competence, parallel language usage and multilingual working environments. University of Helsinki Language Policy 2007 Steve Darn Yaşar University
The Message This institution functions in more than one language Steve Darn Yaşar University
Questions Why? Who? To whom? What? How? When? Where? Steve Darn Yaşar University
International Standards Steve Darn Yaşar University Are we going to the Olympics?
An Uphill Struggle EFL in a monolingual context Steve Darn Yaşar University
The Learning Environment Steve Darn Yaşar University
Classroom Language Steve Darn Yaşar University
Institutional Support Steve Darn Yaşar University
Steve Darn Yaşar University
Making it Real Steve Darn Yaşar University
Thank you for being here Steve Darn Yaşar University