STEM + English Learners = Keys to ELLevate SUCCESS! Tere Masiarchin CESA 6.


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Presentation transcript:

STEM + English Learners = Keys to ELLevate SUCCESS! Tere Masiarchin CESA 6

Objectives Understand national focus on STEM and impact on English Learners Discuss how to give English Learners opportunities to participate STEM activities & acquire English at the same time Build Background Vocabulary Building Activity Assessment Consider additional STEM resources

National Focus on STEM National Educate to Innovate Campaign for STEM EducationEducate to Innovate English learners are an untapped resource for developing a multi­ lingual STEM workforce that has the potential to keep the U.S. competitive in an increasingly competitive global economy. By the 2030s, language minority students are predicted to comprise 40% of the school-age population.

ELLs in Wisconsin 49,000 ELLs in Wisconsin 5.6% of our PK-12 population (compared to 13.9% of SwD) Over 137 identified spoken languages Spanish and Hmong top 2 languages

Grade 4 Math

Grade 8 Math

Grade 10 Math

Grade 4 Science

Grade 8 Science

Grade 10 Science

Drop-out Rate Comparison

STEM & ELL English Learners have lower rates of enrollment in Algebra I English Learners tend to enroll in advanced placement math and science courses at lower rates than their non­ELL peers.

Guiding Questions How can all students be assured the opportunity to learn significant STEM content? How can we enhance the ability of teachers to provide high ‐ quality STEM education for all students?

Academic Language Reading/Writing Formal Technical CELL example What is it like to be an English Learner?

STEM Considerations Modified Jigsaw: At your table, discuss challenges to academic STEM activities for English Learners. Write all ideas on sticky notes. Pick top three challenges and have everyone write them down on their individual sheets of paper. Form new groups according to color of paper. Discuss in your new group the challenges. Pick the top two challenges. Write your group’s choices on large sticky notes (in marker) and post on easels. Discuss as large group – what are the challenges?

Teaching English Learners English Proficiency Level Cultural Considerations Vocabulary EL Supports during STEM activity Performance-based Assessment

STEM Lesson Structures activity: Canine House of Cards National Science Education Standard E.E.1 Abilities of technological design a. Identify a simple problem b. Propose a solution c. Implementing proposed solutions d. Evaluate a product or design e. Communicate a problem, design, & solution

Building Background Cultural considerations while accessing knowledge of students Housing around the world Which house best represents your home? Why?

Vocabulary Teach essential vocabulary Utilize multiple learning activities Direct instruction of essential vocabulary

STEM Activity with EL Supports Complete the House of Cards STEM Activity WIDA Graphic Support Handout WIDA Can Do Descriptors Group/Partner Work

Performance-based Assessment Assessment match English proficiency level Level 1: Match vocab. with pictures Level 3: Sentence frames with word bank Level 5: Graphic organizer

STEM and English Learners Review activity and EL supports Write down on an index card one support. Pass to each person at the table, they add another support. Get your index card back and keep as a reminder of supports you can use.

Conclusion How best to support home-grown multilingual STEM workforce? Focus on robust science inquiry, academic language development, and coordination of multiple resources

Conclusion Revisit the challenges sticky notes and have it each group discuss how we overcame those challenges?