(Yale University Library’s VuFind implementation) & OPAC requirements for CJK plus ________________________ CEAL Committee on Technical Processing & Committee on Public Services Joint Panel Presentation March 24, 2010 by Tang Li, Public Service Librarian Keiko Suzuki, Japanese Catalog Librarian East Asia Library, Yale University Library
March 2010 Outline _____________________________________________________ Yale’s VUfind implementation: Yufind –Background –Project history –Current functionalities Current multilingual, multi-script project –Scope / objectives –Project outline & outcomes –Desired requirements (examples)
Background _____________________________________________________ VuFind community
Yufind Project History _____________________________________________________ Phase I: 4/08 Prototype collaboration Phase II. 7/08. 8 million records; Yale look & feel; query builder Phase III, IV. 12/08, 3/09. GBS links; Assessment group report; better ingest mapping; templates Summer Prod. 9/09. ‘industrial strength’ footing ; faster system response time; MyResearch; module, better synching Arcadia: Non-Western language support; WorldCat Reclamation, WC APIs, PageRank March 2010
Yufind: current functionalities _____________________________________________________
March 2010 Current Project Objectives _____________________________________________________ Identification of issues related to multilingual, multi-script functionality in MARC-based discovery applications Identification of desirable functionality Gathering user requirements and expectations To seek for grants and collaboration opportunities
Current Project Scope _____________________________________________________ VuFind community Lucene/Solr community Optimization in “Lucene/Solr” (search engine that powers Yufind, and much more) for support of multilingual, multi-script material access
March 2010 Project outline & expected outcomes _____________________________________________________ 6 month+ project (started late Nov. 2009) Literature / environmental scan Consultation to librarians, language experts, faculty & researcher community, etc. (meeting, survey, focus group interviews …) Publish a report and share the findings More collaborations for implementations
March 2010 Major Issues for CJK, and beyond … _____________________________________________________ Word segmentation and spaces How to handle character variations –Traditional vs simplified, shin-kyu kanji, hanja vs hangul, MARC-8 equivalents vs IME input Interface –localization of labels, instructions, and facet values, etc. Sort order –“relevance” only? How about others? Display of CJK headings –they are not authority-controlled...
March 2010 & OPAC requirements for CJK+ _____________________________________________________ We will send you the details after the conference, so … Please participate in the survey!! Yufind Home: Yufind updates: Comments, feedback, future collaboration, etc., contact us! Tang Li: Keiko Suzuki: Thank you very much!!