Tunisian project portfolio CDM Investor Forum DJERBA, September 2004
Action plan for GHG Mitigation PDD for 2 CDM small projects financed by the ANME PDD for 2 CDM full size projects with the support of Canadian Cooperation Portfolio of 8 projects presented in the 1st NC 10 CDM Small scale projects portfolio with UNDP support Zounkar Wind farm Enfidha Cardboard Company cogeneration project Efficient street lighting project Methane valorisation in Waste Water treatment station CDM Project priority areas (CDM potential)
First CDM Projects Portfolio Portfolio presented in the first National Communication 8 projects Cogeneration ESCO Wind Farm Biogas Solar Water heating Freight plant Public lighting Low consumption lamps Energy saving : 5,5 MTEO GHG emission reduction: 16 MTECO2
Type of activitiesN. of projects Sector Renewable energy6Electricity production : 4 Residential : 1 Tertiary sector : 1 Supply side energy efficiency 2Electricity production: 2 Demand side energy efficiency 1Tertiary sector : 1 Energy substitution1Transport : 1 CDM Small Scale Projects Portfolio Study order by ANME and financed by the UNDP Pre-identification of 10 CDM Small Scale Projects
CDM Potential (Priority areas)
Cogeneration of Heat and Power at Enfidha Cardboard Company (ECC) Site: East-Centre, 100 km from Tunis Capital Capacity: 90 tons/day of carton from recycled paper Project Activity : Installation of 3,5 MW of cogeneration capacity
Cogeneration of Heat and Power at Enfidha Cardboard Company (ECC) Energy saving: 25 GWh/year Emission reductions: 6,500 tCO2e/yr Starting date: 1/01/2006 (starting of the crediting period) Baseline: Metrogas de San Bernardo (NM- 0018) – under review by the Executive Board
Cogeneration of Heat and Power at Enfidha Cardboard Company (ECC) Investment to mobilize : $US 3.5 million Resources: Self financing Subsidies through the Energy Conservation Support Programme and the Industry Modernization Programme Commercial Bank Credit Supplier Credit
PDD Status: Preliminary version Project Developer: ECONOLER Under review by ANME Cogeneration of Heat and Power at Enfidha Cardboard Company (ECC)
Wind Farm of Zounkar Site: Bizerte, North of Tunisia at 60 km from Tunis Capital Project Activity : Electricity production from wind farm connected to the grid Capacity: 90 MW
Energy saving: 318 GWh/year Emission reductions: 160 ktCO2e/yr Starting date: 1/01/2006 (starting of the crediting period) Baseline: Methodology of NM-0012 wind farm project of Wigton in Jamaica Wind Farm of Zounkar
Investment to mobilize : $US 120 million Resources: Self financing (30% of the investment) Commercial Bank Subsidies through the Energy Conservation Support Programme Wind Farm of Zounkar
PDD Status: Preliminary version Project Developer: ECONOLER - ENERCIEL Under review by ANME Wind Farm of Zounkar
Efficient Street Lighting Site: Districts of Ariana, Goulette and Mourouj (Tunis Capital) Project Activity : Dissemination of power modulators Modulators for street lamps (6,5 MVA)
Energy saving: 6,5 GWh/year Emission reductions: 3,800 tCO2e/yr Starting date: 1/01/2006 (starting of the crediting period) Efficient Street Lighting
Investment to mobilize : $US 2,6 million Resources: District Self financing Subsidies through the Energy Conservation Support Programme Communal Fund Efficient Street Lighting
PDD Status: under development Project Developer: ANME Efficient Street Lighting
Biogas valorisation in the waste water treatment station of Nabeul Site: Nabeul, East-North, 60 km from Tunis Capital Project Activity :Methane recuperation and use for heating Recuperation of 42,000 m3 of Methane/yr
Energy saving: l of fuel/yr (54 TEO) Emission reductions: 7,500 tCO2e/yr Starting date: 1/01/2006 (starting of the crediting period) Biogas valorisation in the waste water treatment station of Nabeul
Investment to mobilize : $US 0.2 million Resources: Self financing of ONAS Subsidies through the Energy Conservation Support Programme and the Industry Modernization Programme Biogas valorisation in the waste water treatment station of Nabeul
PDD Status: Preliminary version Project Developer: ANME Under review by ANME Biogas valorisation in the waste water treatment station of Nabeul
CDM Small Scale Projects Portfolio Project areas GHG emiss. reduce (kTe-CO 2 ) Total invest. (Mdt) Potential contribution of CDM (Mdt)% Energy saving and contract programme in tertiary sector % Water solar heating % Public street lighting % Energy saving and contract programme in industry % Wind energy development % Biogas development % Cogeneration development % ESCO promotion % Natural Gas substitution % Flaring gas reduction in gas and petroleum production sites % Total %