The most efficient Waste to Energy Technology Henry A. Melendez, Ph.D.
Index 1.Waste 2.Current Technologies 3.The Project 4.Process Description 5.Process Capacity 6.Financial Projections 7.Benefits
I. Waste It is estimated that in modern cities between 0.5 and 2.0 kilograms of waste are produced daily per habitant. Therefore one million people will generate between 500 and 2,000 tones waste per day, from which more than 65% are organic materials. This project takes advantage from the already classified trash to separating the recycle materials such as paper, cardboards, glass, aluminium, steel, etc. The remaining organic material is gasified and reformed in order to provide fuel (syngas rich in hydrogen) for the power generation engines, avoiding its accumulation in the dumps- landfills.
I. Waste Average main waste components in most Municipalities Organic Materials 53% Other type (partially organic) 16% Paper, cardboard and other paper products (organic) 15% Textile (organic) 1% Glass 6% Plastic (organic) 6% Metals 3%
II. Current Technologies For the final waste disposal, basically there are only two methods nowadays: Incineration Sanitary Landfills Both methods do not guarantee that waste is eliminated in a complete and clean manner. Also both methods pollute soil, water and air. Incineration Sanitary Landfill
III. The Project A highly efficient technology was invented, designed and patented in Germany, and now commercialized to process Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) obtaining syngas, from which electricity is generated. Worldwide Individual Patent rights are held by Mr. Blumenthal. North, Central, South America and Caribbean Islands representation and rights are held by: Blue Tower Energy (Henry A. Melendez, Ph.D.).
Consists of the transformation of MSW into gas. MSW can be: Wood Plastics (rigid and flexible) Paper Cardboard Waste (food, vegetal, paint) Waste Oils With the exceptions of: Metal Glass Ceramic Teflon Rocks These have to be removed and recycled or commercialized. III. The Project
Such transformation is achieved through the “Staged reforming” of the waste in absence of oxygen. This avoids from the beginning the creation of highly toxic components like Dioxins and Furans. Prime fuel is MSW after having been hand picked by local workers. III. The Project
The project is composed of two key steps: Gasification-Reformation & Power Generation. Gasification/Reformation. It is made with a meters high tower, with a 15 by 15 meters base. Inside it contains mainly 3 process equipment which are: Pre-Heater, Reformer and Thermolisis Reactor. IV. Process Description
80% of the organic material is gasified, while 18% becomes char and 2% commercialized ashes. Gas is sent to the Reformer, where with steam its calorific power is enhanced in a reforming process. Later this Product Gas passes a cleaning process in order to be fuel for the power generating engines. Also in this process CO2 will be separated and sold. IV. Process Description
Power Generation The Product Gas is used as fuel for internal combustion machines, which generate electrical energy. This is produced according to the internal lines for the energy’s distribution. IV. Process Description
Each module tower has the following characteristics: Processing capacity of 350 MSW tons per day, which will be reduced to MSW tons after having been dried and crushed, generating 1,300-1,500 cubic meters of syngas per ton. And with the use of internal combustion engine, Megawatts/hour of excess electricity is produced. With this amount of energy produced, it is enough to supply power to a significant number of households in your city. V. Process Capacity
Forecasted construction time period is 18 months. Total amount of investment for each complete module-plant is approx. USD $60M. This will be less if the waste is already recycled. Will also vary if we sale gas instead of electricity. Project cost may vary by location of the project, access to power grid, sea level and the related scenario. Capital expenditure$ 50,112,000 Indirect Costs$ 5,215,000 Financial Costs$ 4,673,000 Total Investment$ 60,000,000 Cost Breakdown VI. Financial Projections
The one-module plant with a capacity of approx. 17 MW/hour will generate 148,920,000 KWH on a yearly basis. It is estimated that the general sales price of electricity or sysgas is Competitive to make this project a reality in your City. Additional income will come from selling CO 2, as well as other products. Carbon credit is not included in the revenue estimates. Estimated Incomes Electricity$ 8,200,000 Waste Disposal Service $ 4,400,000 Carbon Dioxide Sell$ 1,350,000 Other$ 700,000 Total Income$ 14,650,000 VI. Financial Projections
The investment plan considers some finance cost, which will vary in accordance with the capital/debt composition. Debt structuring, Interest rate and deferred payment period will affect the amount of finance cost. Depreciation of the project cost will be in accordance with the tax law of the country but will consider short depreciation schedule whenever allowed. Unit revenue will vary by area, by municipality, by industry and by country. VI. Financial Projections
The following benefits can be derived from the process characteristics: Power generation. Energetic resources savings. MSR disappearance. Environment cleaning. Minimization of use of landfills. Potential build-up of carbon credit. Better job conditions. By-products, such as the carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), are obtained, representing sales opportunity. The fuel does not have a costs but yet the disposal of waste is an income stream. VII. Benefits