Comenius - Waste recycling in France 1 Waste recycling
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 2 Definition and overview Usually waste ( rubbish, junk, residue etc.) means : the amount lost in the use of a product, which remains after use. In France in 2009 (from ADEME) : 770 millions of tons of waste were produced. France recycles about 37% of its waste. The European average is 40%.
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 3 Recycling rates for municipal waste in the EU 27 DRAFT FIGURE - EEA - upcoming SOER, draft version June 2010
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 4 What became of the produced waste by French households in 2009 in millions of tons Recycling : 521 % Storage:730 % Incineration:10,544 % Organic Valuation : 1,25 %
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 5 A recycling problem ! Every year in France, a resident produces 354 kg of garbage. Each year, 12 billion plastic bags are distributed free in France, causing tons of waste. A plastic bag remains intact in nature 200 years after having been used a few minutes only... Packaging accounts for about 20% of the price of a final product and goes directly into our garbage. This is why we can not reduce waste disposal as long as we do not exploit the resources in an intelligent way and prevent unnecessary waste.
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 6 How can we act locally ? Green container : the glass thrown away in this container must be cleaned and without lids. So, think about cleaning your Bolognese sauce jars ! Yellow container :for plastic, cardboard, cans and paper (if not in the blue one). You can leave the caps on the plastic bottles or give them to a specific association. Other waste : The rest of the waste that is not suitable for the other containers previously mentioned.. Blue container (less common): to put the paper, newspapers,magazines, flyers...
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 7 How to act locally ? Green container : the glass thrown away in this container must be cleaned and without lids. So, think about rinsing your Bolognese sauce jars ! Yellow container : for plastic, cardboard, cans and paper (if not in the blue one). You can leave the caps on the plastic bottles or give them to a specific association. Other waste : The rest of the waste that is not suitable for the other containers previously mentioned.. Blue container (less common): you put the paper, newspapers, magazines, flyers in...
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 8 Waste to the drop are pollutants. They may cause damage to human beings, wildlife, environment and global warming. Some waste takes a long time to degrade, for example : Tissue: 1 to 2 months Cigarette Butt: 6 months Tin: 100 to 200 years Plastic bottle: up to 500 years Glass bottle: about 4000 years
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 9. Batteries and electric bulbs must be placed into special containers that can be found everywhere, especially in supermarkets.. Medicines and care waste should be returned to pharmacies.. Bulky waste: Must be taken to the waste reception centre just like the dangerous one (rubbles, batteries, lubricating oil...)
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 10 For vegetable waste, if you have a garden, you can throw it in your compost bin. And if you have a garden, it becomes a natural fertilizer ! Don't throw fruit and vegetable peelings away ! Don't use chemical weed killer, recycle your cut grass and dead leaves!
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 12 How hens can help you recycle organic waste ! It's been known for ages ! Our parents had hens in their backgarden and they usually gave them the leftovers. No roosters in the village however, to be sure they don't wake you up too early in the morning ! Growing hens will make people communicate. Children can learn that eggs don't come from eggboxes…
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 13 THE WORM COMPOST BIN Worm compost bins are ideal for those who don't have a garden or not space enough for a compost bin. The worms feed on the given waste, their dejections will pile up to create then the wormcompost, which has the same qualities as usual compast for the soil. The collected juice is a true natural concentrated fertilizer.
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 14 Please! Sort out your waste! This is important ! Do not throw when you can ! Almost everything can be collected, used or sold! We can do this with car boot sales, give them to associations, sell or give them away on the internet..
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 15 The amount of waste recycled in France In 2011, the recycling rate reached up to 70,7 %. recyclage_208.phphttp:// recyclage_208.php Plastic waste : Today in France, more than 5 bottles out of 10 are sorted out. Belgian people sort out 7 bottles out of 10 et the Swiss up to 8 out of 10 ! Now, in France, recycled papers and cardboards are re-used up to 60%. recyclable-pourtant-2630-cghttp:// recyclable-pourtant-2630-cg In France, only 57 % of metallic cans are recycled… Glass70 % Plastic50 % Paper60 % Metal57 %
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 16 Average composition of waste by person and by year Each French inhabitant produces 350 kilos of waste a year, among which 70 kg of organic waste which could end up in individual compost bins, and 50 kg of paper, magazines or newspapers. 29 % organic waste 25 % paper/cardboard 13 % glass 11 % plastic 4 % metal 18% other waste dechets dechets
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 17 sources plusieurs-d%C3%A9bouch%C3%A9s-possibles-12.html plusieurs-d%C3%A9bouch%C3%A9s-possibles-12.html LYCEE ANTOINE LOMET AGEN Elèves de première DTMS Marion CORDEBOIS Alexandra CHABRU Justine Willerval Yénéa Rimbourg Charlie Marchand
Comenius - Waste recycling in France 18 Mom, what sort of seashell is it?