Unidad 2 Etapa 1
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns As you know, possessive adjectives show personal relationships or possession and they agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe. mi(s) --> my tu(s) --> your su(s) --> his/hers nuestro(a/os/as) --> our
Possessive adjectives also have a long form which they are more expressive. Possessives Long Form – Singularmío(a) tuyo(a) suyo(a) nuestro(a) suyo(a) Possessives Long Form – Plural míos(as) tuyos(as) suyos(as) nuestros(as)
Unlike the regular(or short) form, the long form follows the noun. un amigo mío a friend of mine Comemos con unos amigos nuestros. We are eating with some friends of ours.
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Possessive also show personal relationships. When forming a possessive pronoun: Use the long form of the possessive adjective. Add EL, LA, LOS, LAS according to the gender and number of the noun it replaces.
Sus viajes son a diferentes lugares. His trips are to different places. Y los tuyos, ¿adónde son? And yours, where are they to?
Reflexive Pronouns and verbs You’ve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns(me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las) La escondo.
Reflexive verbs take a special pronoun called a reflexive pronoun. While the usual direct object is different from the subject, a reflexive pronoun is the same person, place, or thing as the subject.
me escondo s te escondes se esconde nos escondemo se esconden
Imperfect You already know that you use the preterite when you want to speak about completed actions in the past. The imperfect can be use to talk about something you use to do as a matter of a habit or to speak about background events in a story.
Imperfect -AR verbs CANTAR cant aba cant abas cant ábamos cant aban
Imperfect -ER -IR tener salir ten ía sal ía ten ías sal ías ten íamos ten ían -IR salir sal ía sal ías sal íamos sal ían
Imperfect Ejemplos Juan trabajaba en el banco. Juan used to work in the bank. Mi abuelo siempre decía chistes. My grandfather used to tell jokes.
Irregular Imperfect There are three verbs that don’t follow the regular pattern. Ser, Ir and Ver
Irregular Imperfect Se r IR VER era iba veía eras ibas veías éra mos eran IR iba ibas íbamos iban VER veía veías veíamos veían