Ms. Blaylock
Artist should always think outside of the box; to use traditional techniques, but take them to the next level. For your next assignment, you will create a painting that is made up of multiple layers of painted surfaces. Some layers will be thicker than others, adding depth to your finished work.
Start your sketch by drawing a curved horizon line, then add disoriented building. Here is an excellent step-by-step example of using multiple paint surfaces.
Add color to your sketch…
Always work in layers, in this case the artist uses cardboard to create layers.
Add some details, and trace where your layered object (or in this case cardboard) will go.
This one is made with blue jean fabric for the layers…
Ray Charles It is important to think in layers, AND think about how those layers build upon each other to create the composition.
Layers can be made with anything, some options are: Cardboard Decorative or cut paper Rejected paintings Fabric Any random object that can be glued to your surface
You can choose your subject matter, but the composition must have layers.