(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 The Craft of Financial Planning: Ongoing Client Care and the Art of the Annual Meeting Elizabeth Jetton, CFP® Elizabeth Jetton, CFP®
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Agenda for Today Context: The Nature of Planning The Annual RENEWAL Meeting Measuring Success
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Context: The Financial Planning Process The sixth step of the financial planning process: 6. Monitoring the financial planning recommendations. The sixth step of the financial planning process: 6. Monitoring the financial planning recommendations.
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Context: Thoughts on Planning and The Role of the Planner “Your ability to understand and thoughtfully apply the blended art and science of planning, to think strategically, to lead others in living richly in the moment while consciously co-creating the future, is what places you and this profession at the vanguard of a true revolution.” Guy Cumbie, CFP® “Your ability to understand and thoughtfully apply the blended art and science of planning, to think strategically, to lead others in living richly in the moment while consciously co-creating the future, is what places you and this profession at the vanguard of a true revolution.” Guy Cumbie, CFP®
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Context: The Roles of the Complete Planner The COMPLETE Planner Strategic Partner FilterCoachIgniter Manager & Advisor Resource & Connector AdvocateEducatorFacilitator Financial Engineer
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008
Our On-Going Value: Supporting Life Transitions: The Expected The Unexpected The Hopeful (thank you Mitch Anthony and Carol Anderson)
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Our On-Going Value: Types of Life Transitions – Work Financial Family Legacy Health Meaning of Life
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 On-going Care and the Annual Renewal Meeting Do you offer “a PLAN” or “Planning”? What is your process for keeping clients on track? For providing on-going value? Are you RE-ACTIVE or are you PRO-ACTIVE in serving your clients?
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Purpose of the Renewal Meeting Create excitement and renew commitment Renew discovery: life goals, concerns, challenges and opportunities Audit progress Deepen the relationship Review actions and value delivered during the year Monitor and update financial plan modules Get feedback and clarify expectations Anticipate and prepare for life transitions Celebrate and appreciate progress
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 The 7-Step Renewal Meeting Model
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, Strategic Preparation Focus on the client’s opportunities Gather and Review Data - send out a renewal meeting interview form Make a Value Telephone Call Hold Strategic Team Meeting Prepare Meeting Materials Create the Right Environment
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 The Meeting - 2. Set Context and Purpose Get the clients excited about their opportunity Create value around your preparation and enthusiasm for the clients’ opportunities Flush out clients’ agenda “What would make this a great meeting for you? What would have to happen, to make it great ?” - Appreciative Questions, Ed Jacobson Review your agenda for the day
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, Setting Context and Purpose Frame and set context for the conversation Framing tells them how to listen Context tells them why it matters Clarify purpose: to review and renew Highlight progress and life goals Appreciate their commitment to on- going support Set expectation for the day and the future
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 The Meeting: 3. Discovery What’s up in their lives? “What are the highpoints since we met last?” “What are you most proud of?” Happy about? Looking forward to?” “What’s going particularly well for you in terms of the financial planning? Re-paint the “picture on the box top” Flush out new goals, concerns, areas of energy and areas of lethargy Alignment with spouse Satisfaction with their progress and your services
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Discovery The foundation for relationship, inspiration and action. Gives us critical insight into our clients’ experiences, alignment, expectations, beliefs, fears, hurdles, dreams and understandings. Serves the highest goals of the client Provides a touchstone Offers clarity The springboard for getting agreement and action for results
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, The Meeting: Review and Renew Create value, focus and momentum Financial statements update Audit progress Scenario planning Review and renewal of investment policy and performance in the context of goals Review and renewal of financial policies Financial planning checklist for needed updates New opportunities, challenges, transitions to address
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, The Meeting: Establish the Action Plan Create alignment, accountability and movement Outline steps and actions to further success and meet goals. Get agreement on action plan. Appoint, assign and calendar. Update expectations and discuss how success will be measured.
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, The Meeting: Completion Clarify, Confirm and Celebrate Review their agenda items and flush out any incompletions Summarize the meeting, the decisions and action plan Celebrate the accomplishments Ask for feedback and clients’ appreciative take-away “What have been your key take-aways today? “What are you excited about?” “How can we support you going forward?”
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, Follow Through and Follow Up Be complete, deliver value, communicate Team Debrief Meeting Notes Completing Action Items Communicating to Client Documentation
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 The Right State of Heart and Mind Be prepared Be intentional Be interested Be Present Be Complete
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Measuring Success - Holistic Financial Planning How do YOU define success? How does your CLIENT define success? How do YOU define success? How does your CLIENT define success?
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Measuring Success - Holistic Financial Planning “Not everything that can be counted, counts... and not everything that counts, can be counted.” “Not everything that can be counted, counts... and not everything that counts, can be counted.” Albert Einstein
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Measuring Success What should the complete planner track? Per Ross Levin’s The Wealth Management Index: The Quantitative Asset Protection Income Protection Debt Management Investment Planning (Accumulation) Estate Planning (Distribution)
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Measuring Success What ELSE should the complete planner track? The Quantitative The probability of success of meeting goals Increase/change in net worth Stability/change in income Debt levels and ratios Investment savings, return and asset allocation vs. IPS Funds accumulated to meet specific goals Compliance with planning policies Completion of action items In the context of what matters to the client and what you know to be in their best interest
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Measuring Success What should the complete planner track? The Qualitative – how the client feels, state of being Clarity Confidence Well being Alignment Sense of freedom Peace of mind Contentment Energy and vigor Focus Sense of worth Balance
(c) Elizabeth Jetton, 2008 Measuring Success What should the complete planner track? The Qualitative – The OTHER resources they bring to accomplish what matters to them - Health Human capital Social connections and community Knowledge Wisdom Resilience and flexibility Awareness, consciousness Time Emotional intelligence Family well being
(c) Elizabeth Jetton,