U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration GAMPO: FTA Update July 29, 2011 Robert Buckley, Community Planner Parris Orr, Community Planner
2 Overview FTA Updates Organizational Update Discretionary Programs Sustainability & Livability Upcoming Events/Training Questions?
3 Organizational Update Atlanta Augusta, Columbus, Savannah GDOT, Rural, Small UZAs Planning Keith MeltonParris OrrRobert Buckley Engineering Maggie SandbergChristopher WhiteRobert Buckley Grants Tajsha LaShoreDarreyl DavisRobert Buckley ARRA Dudley Whyte (temp) Director of Planning and Program Development currently vacant: Jamie Pfister took a position at FTA HQ. Georgia Organizational Chart:
Discretionary Programs Currently, approximately $1.1B in available discretionary funding. These programs are funded through unallocated discretionary funding and targeted at FTA’s priorities Quick turnaround for these competitive programs: –July 29, 2011: First due date for SOGR, Bus Livability and AA
Discretionary Programs Discretionary Program Available Amount (in millions) NOFA Publication Date Due Date Expected Announcement State of Good Repair$7506/24/20117/29/20119/30/2011 Bus and Bus Facilities Livability* $1506/27/20117/29/20119/30/2011 Alternatives Analysis*$256/27/20117/29/20119/30/2011 TIGGER**$49.96/24/20118/23/201110/25/2011 Clean Fuels**$51.56/24/20118/23/201110/25/2011 Veteran's Initiative$307/27/20119/16/2011November 2011 Tribal Transit$ /25/20119/26/2011Not scheduled Over-the-Road-Bus$8.87/13/20119/12/2011Not scheduled TIGER 7/1/2011 (interim) Pre: 10/3/2011 Post: 10/31/2011 Not Scheduled
Discretionary Programs Lessons Learned: Ensure project is “ready to go” – programmed in TIP/STIP/UPWP or letter documenting rapid inclusion should project be selected. Ensure project has regional support –Attach letters of support from MPO, State, etc. –Attachments do not count toward page limits Notify and work with FTA region when applying Follow outline provided in the FR Specifically answer each evaluation criterion Ensure application is complete Submit to Grants.gov EARLY Take advantage of FTA feedback/debriefs –Coordinated through the Regional Office
Six Partnership Principles Provide more transportation choices Expand location- and energy-efficient housing choices Improve economic competitiveness of neighborhoods by giving people reliable access to employment centers, educational opportunities, and other basic services. Target Federal funding toward existing communities – through transit- oriented development and place-based policies Align federal policies and funding to remove barriers to collaboration, leverage funding and increase the effectiveness of existing programs. Enhance the unique characteristics of all communities, whether rural, suburban or urban.
Federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities: Near Term Priorities Align funding opportunities across DOT, HUD and EPA Build regional capacity and collaboration between agency field offices Make visible progress coordinating federal planning requirements for housing, transportation, air quality, and water infrastructure.
9 August 10-12: 2011 State Programs and Partnerships Meeting, Washington, DC August 10-12: NTI, Connecting Communities: Public Transportation Emergency Preparedness Workshop, Orlando, FL August 16-18: New Starts Engineering Workshop, San Francisco, CA October 18-20: NTI Management of Transit Construction Projects, Orlando, FL October 24-26: NTI Management of Transit Construction Projects, Charlotte, NC Upcoming Events/Training
FTA Contact Information 10 Atlanta Augusta, Columbus, Savannah GDOT, Rural, Small UZAs Keith MeltonParris OrrRobert Buckley Community Planner