Welcome to the Squirrel Monkeys’ Team! Ms. Zangwill Ms. D’Apuzzo Ms. Taylor Ms. Hamm
Welcome Back to School! Thank you for… Being here Completing forms Providing supplies
Who is the person teaching my child? Mrs. Joy D’Apuzzo Mrs. Joy D’Apuzzo 6 th Grade Adv. Math, Science, and Writer’s Workshop 12 years teaching 2 nd year at Union Middle School
Want to Help! Sponsor a classroom Donations accepted all year (tissue boxes, green pens, white paper, correction tape) THANK YOU!!
Subjects and Standards Adv. Math & Science Science
Math…we will be learning: (Advanced math class will be faster paced & cover the below topics more in depth and will include 7 th grade standards) CA Standards Based Curriculum Algebraic Reasoning Number Sense & Decimals Integers & Fractions Percents & Statistics Rational Numbers Data Analysis & Probability Proportional Relationships Geometry & Measurement Online Textbook –
Daily Routine: Correct previous nights’ homework Lesson notes and practice Homework Assignments: Math only spiral notebook to keep notes & math homework Mon. through Friday, usually problems Worth 10 points if completed, must attempt each problem to receive full credit Will earn 7 points if brought homework on time, but homework is incomplete NO LATE work will be accepted (homework with NO name earns 70%) Quizzes & Test: Weekly quizzes (usually on Fridays) Most questions are from the homework Tests at the end of each chapter NO quiz or test RETAKES Performance Assessments quarterly Math Outline
7 th : Grade Pre-algebra Online Covers 6 chapters from the 7 th grade Holt book not covered in the regular Advanced 6 class including: multi-step equations and inequalities, exponents and roots, Pythagorean Theorem, scientific notation, graphs and functions, three-dimensional geometry including volume and surface area, data and statistics, and polynomials.
7 th : Grade Pre-algebra Online Requirements Two weekly lessons from the 7 th grade Pre- Algebra Online Holt Book due the day of the Chapter Test. Two corresponding Weekly IXL lessons due every Monday by 8 am. Four chapter tests taken about once a quarter for chapters 3, 4, 7 &11, and 10 &12. Pre-Algebra Multiple Choice Final and the Short Answer taken in May over two days.
Who Should Sign Up? Students who meet ALL the Requirements below: Students who find the Advanced Math 6 Class is still not challenging enough. Students who have perused the 7 th grade Pre-Algebra online textbook and find the concepts in the text easy. Students who have a solid conceptual understanding of number sense, fractions, decimals, basic algebra and geometry, and graphing linear equations. Students who are self-motivated and organized. Students who can budget their time and set schedules for themselves. Students who are not already overwhelmed with their homework load and after school activities. Students who can read and understand a math textbook without any help. Students who are computer savvy.
Science…we will be learning: CA Standards Based Curriculum Qualities of a Scientist Scientific Method Lab Safety Shaping Earth’s Surface Plate Tectonics Earthquakes & Volcanoes Rocks & Minerals Soil Formation/Worm Composition Natural Resources/Energy Conservation Online Textbook -
Homework Assignments: Science only spiral notebook, titled Interactive Notebook (INB), to keep notes and science homework Homework will be completed in INB Mon. through Friday Homework is worth 10 points if completed including title, page number, and date Will earn 7 points if brought homework on time, but homework is incomplete NO LATE work will be accepted (homework with NO name earns 70%) Projects and lab experiments will take longer & be worth more points Quizzes & Test: Quizzes (usually every couple of weeks) Most questions are from the homework Tests at the end of each chapter NO quiz or test RETAKES Science Outline
Late Work NOT ACCEPTED Excused Absences Students have as many days as they were absent to complete the work they missed. It is the responsibility of the student to request all missing assignments. You can also check my homework calendars on my website to see what your child has missed. Tardiness Students who arrive late will require a pass to be admitted to class. Those “unexcused” will receive a warning for the first offense, then campus clean up for the second offense. See student planner for more information. Late Work & Tardiness
Homework Concerns Check your child’s planner daily. Homework calendars will be posted online on my website. Any questions regarding homework MUST be clarified during class, break, lunch, or after school; otherwise, student must go online and watch instructional video. Homework Center Mondays - Thursday at 3:00 – 4:00 Starts September 9 th (need permission slip)
Keys to Success Stay organized! Be prepared! Study wisely! Make up missed work! Do test/quiz corrections! Use planner as checklist! Turn in homework on time! Check grades weekly in powerschool!
The UMS Planner – a GREAT resource The UMS Planner – a GREAT resource All students are expected to write down homework assignments in their planner. All students are expected to write down homework assignments in their planner. If there is NO homework, I have them write that down that as well. Every section for every subject should have something written in it. If there is NO homework, I have them write that down that as well. Every section for every subject should have something written in it. The planner is a great tool containing important information. Please refer to it often. The planner is a great tool containing important information. Please refer to it often. Survival Guide
Required Materials General UMS Supplies:Additional Supplies for MATH, SCIENCE, and Writer’s Workshop: * Union Middle School Planner * USB Flash Drive (4GB) * Standard (2 inch) binder (To be shared with all your classes) * Set of (5) binder tabs dividers (To be shared with all your classes) * 3 pencils (mechanical preferred) * Hand-held pencil sharpener * Blue/Green/Red Pens * Colored pencils & scissors * Blue/Pink/Green/Yellow Highlighters * Lined paper & blank paper * Personal tape dispenser with tape * Correction tape (optional) * Two 3-subject spiral notebooks for MATH * One quadrille-ruled (graph paper) notebook (preferably spiral bound) * Basic calculator (one at school & one at home) * Protractor (see-through is best) * Ruler with millimeters or centimeters * Two single subject notebooks for SCIENCE * Three or more dry erase markers * One single subject notebook & one composition book for Writer’s Workshop * One 2-pocket folder with 3 metal prong fasteners for Writer’s Workshop * You may donate extra items to the class
Classroom Rules Water & Pencil trips Water & Pencil trips Supplies Supplies Respecting Property Respecting Property Respectful Community Respectful Community Responsibility Responsibility
Grades are available on Powerschool Grades are available on Powerschool Login instructions are available in the Student Planner on page 5. Login instructions are available in the Student Planner on page 5. If you don’t know your username/password, please contact Mrs. Adams at If you don’t know your username/password, please contact Mrs. Adams at Powerschool
School Website School Website Contact Me!!! (best way to contact me) ext 141 My Webpage My Webpage Contact Information